6: Life as an Escort

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Saturday night.

I propped against the countertop of the bar, the club was filled with busybodies. It was almost 11, people were already drunk to the core. Many rich men and women hooking up, some holding parties or congratulation events, others in grief of not gaining the highest position in their elaborate company. Enjoyment and sadness intermixed with different kindling of emotions.

I glanced at my phone, I had around 5 minutes till I was meeting with a customer, not Mr. Jeon this time.

I thought back to last night, remembering of not granting what my client desired. I was pleased with my decision, I only enticed him with my erotic dance once more. The look on his face was left in disappointment as our time was up and I had almost begun undressing for him. Almost exposing my matching lingerie. My legs were spread open on the coffee table, I closed them right away as the clock struck one. The towering bulge twitching to be touched, I left him right then and there as my job was complete.

"What's so funny?" An icy glass bumped my forehead. I straightened my expression, without my own realization a smile had formed. My thoughts immediately focused on Hoseok, he offered me a glass of water.

"Nothing." I took the glass of water in my hand, hydrating myself. I didn't have the chance to eat or drink today because of the stacked work at the restaurant.

"How are your clients, are they treating you okay?" He wiped the countertop as the other workers assisted the incoming drinkers.

"Yeah, my streak is going well, if that's what you're implying." I chuckled and sipped the water.

"I think you should be careful, there's so many other jobs that you can work then as a – "

"I have my reasons." I interrupted. The music roared louder and the crowd cheered from the special selection. He wasn't aware of my situation and he didn't need to be.

He nodded his head with no further question. "We need to hangout, when are you free?"

"I'm always working but how about the end of next week?" I swirled the clear liquid with a wrist motion.

He nodded with a smile, "Okay, don't work too hard." He nudged my shoulder.

I smiled back at him, his radiating smile instantly warmed me up. I felt revived.

"Here, have this before you start work." He stuck a piece of red bean bun under my nose, I couldn't help but take a big bite of the gooey gluten. I beamed in the delicious favor, fitting rest of the bread in my mouth.

Licking the residue jam stuck on my fingers, I glanced up at Hoseok staring at me. His eyes glistened along the night life atmosphere, he brought his thumb along the edge of my mouth. He wiped the extra residue, flashing that sunny expression. My heart jolted from his sudden interaction, I glanced at the time and ushered out.

"B-Bye, Hoseok!" I waved at him. He chuckled possibly with my penguin like exit.

"I'll see you later Mari!" He shouted despite the music blasting.

I moved through the hurdled crowd, I spotted a man in a navy suit around his late thirties. Another woman in company with his buddy. This nut job was my client for the night, no package in particular but I've met him before during this job.

"Hey baby." He waved over.

I forged my lips up and settled myself by the empty space beside him.

"How are you sir?" I poured alcohol into his shot glass.

"I'm well, stressed because of work and issues at home. My wife and I had a fight last night." He gulped the liquor hastily down.

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