38: Kidnapped

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A constant sound echoed in my ears. The dripping increased neither in its rate or its volume, it was as good as a hammer to my ear drums. It was obnoxious. The timing of each drop was fairly erratic, the rate neither increased or decreased. This eerie setting concerning me.


My eyes shot open, darkness, pure black enclosed in sight. Was this a dream? An icy cold ground freezing my jaw, I lifted myself up, the specks of dirt attached to my hands. I looked around, I couldn't visibly see anything. What was wrong with my vision? Or was it just dark?

I groped my body in panic, I was wearing the same attire, a pair of panties and a bra Jungkook had previously purchased for me. Where was he? The last that I remember was caressing him on the bathroom floor after his episode.

I walked into a similar feeling of concrete, with smooth and rough consistency in between. What was this? Where was I?

It felt like the walls were closing in on me as I forced myself to take a step. And another. And another. I felt like I couldn't breathe--what if I was running out of oxygen? My heart rate began to speed up, and so did my breathing.

Water flowing down my cheeks, the temperature perceived to be dropping quickly. I dropped onto the floor, leaning against some structure, of it's unknown triggering me to hyperventilate. I couldn't view my own hands, only looking down to nothingness.


The continuous sound of water leaking was driving me mad. I thought I awakened from a momentary nightmare, I'm in a box buried deep. I shout and thrash until blood runs from my hands and my fingers are broken. Panic overrides any sensation of pain until I am too exhausted to move, only breath in the smell of my own demise. Then I wake. It's still dark.

But now a break of thin light, cracked from the floor as it seemed to be. The knowledge of what it could possibly be is in the back of my mind. My heart in relief that I was seeing something, even if a bleak illumination. The brightness enlarges from a square or portal, my body numb and weak, dehydration and starvation churning my insides.

I thought I was screaming into the square, of something audible. 'Help!' Nothing in a sound, nothing in vibration. My mouth only motioned.

A tray was dropped to the floor, my ears disturbed from the cling. The larger beam of light in disappearance, the smaller crack of ray remains.

The shine visible of the tray's contents and a water bottle on it's side near the silver plate. It was food. Distributed among the platter poorly. As much as my belly was aching for nutrition, I wasn't hungry. I couldn't eat, I was remote to my surroundings. I picked up the water bottle weakly and sipped the liquid, feeling the cooling sensation travel down my throat. Barely enough to quench my throat entirely.

I walked back to the familiar wall that I knew was on my left. I sunk down to the floor trying to keep my sanity, wiping away the stained tears.

If this was reality, then I was captured yet again. Except this was worse, a torture like this was the first to occur.

I could sense my death was near. My goals of reviving my parents name was a failure. I would've prayed, but what it worth it?

Just then at that moment as withdrawal crossed my mind, the door with the entry of items that were given to me...opened as a complete door. The shadow of two large beings walked in my direction, my sensitivity of hearing disoriented as they were just inches away.

A/N: What could this be?


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