11: Favor

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"Here, drink up." The glass saturated in ice within the outer exterior due to its temperature.

"Thank you." I beamed a smile as Hoseok served me his special beverage. The tangy sweet flavor stuck as a bitter aftertaste on the back of my throat.

"What's wrong Mari?" He took a glance up at me in the midst of his counter wiping, his forehead scrunched in concern.

"Nothing. Just tired." I wanted to assure him; I looked down at the mixture, the liquids surface reflecting the lights of the nightclub. I was honestly uneasy with those gangsters finding me again, that meant I had the possibility to encounter them once more. Anytime. And that meant they would be in higher demands of the payment.

"You sure?" I could see from the corner of my eye, he was bent down glancing up at me from the other side of the marbled countertop.

"Yes, Hoseok. I'm fine." I laughed forcefully, he was giving me that flashy smile again. A simple expression immediately erased my worries and concerns.

"You should rest more, you work too much. We're hanging out tomorrow right?"

I almost forgot and nodded in an instant . "For sure!"

"Cool, I'll pick you up at 11 then." He casually winked, my heart picked up in rhythm with the addition of the confirming smile.

My stare dwelled on him as he drifted his way to assist another customer beside me. Hoseok with competence utilized his skill with the liquor pourer, pouring the liquid into the glass of ice cubes from inches high. Aiming perfectly into the enclosure. I propped my head on the palm of my hand as I sipped my drink, I was slowly getting tipsy. The back of his hand glistened from the droplets of ethanol that splattered, he slowly beat his body to the music and served the customer.

I looked over to my right shoulder, the customer drinking the mixed beverage and groping a girl with his available hand. I cringed from the man's rough handling and glanced away to mind my business.

"Oppa come on. Let's go somewhere else! Hmm?" The girls high nasally voice was distinctive among the loud music, I couldn't help but listen.

"Oppa's busy. I'll see you later." This voice was a little familiar, I quietly peered over. The man's broad back only in my display, he spun his way to the bar after shaking the girl briefly away. I squinted my eyes to clearly view his side profile, dressed in his luxury suit it was...

He turned his head, probably feeling my intense scrutinize. He tilted his head in satisfaction.

"Oh, it's you." My previous client ingested his drink with a smirk.

The feeling of embarrassment rose in my belly, I was dressed in a simple hoodie and jeggings. An attire he never saw me in, for a questionable reason I wanted to hide away in my shabby attire. In addition to my intimacy with him.

"You look different today..." He twisted his way over giving me his full attention, which made me slightly uncomfortable. I glanced over at Hoseok as he was serving the other attended individuals.

"I'm not working today." I swirled the miniature straw around, ignoring the seductive look on his face.

"Do me a favor?" His fingertips approached the brim of my knee.


"You see that girl behind me? I'm trying to get rid of her, follow me." He grabbed my wrist and glided his arm around my waist. I was completely in confusion as I had already been nearly drunk, I saw the girl's frown intensify as we headed out of active space. His hand adjusted along my lower back and we waited in front of the elevator. Where was he taking me?

I couldn't find the motive to speak, the elevator door opened and I followed his lead into the golden glamour styled lift, nearly forced to follow him.

"Isn't your favor done? I have to go back..."

He yanked my body on top of him, his other hand resting on the railing. My eyes blinked as I peeked up at him, my cheeks probably blushing noticeably. His sturdy build colliding with my front side, my body heat accelerating with our proximity. My vision almost blurring as I stared up at him, his eyes looking down at one particular feature. My lips.

"This is part of the favor." His voice deepened, his hot breath hitting the tops of my forehead. Sexual arousal embedded in his pupils. A lump of air stuck in my throat, blocking any form of words to escape my mouth. I suddenly recalled how his dick felt in my small hands.

"I think we need to continue our 'work' from last time...You shouldn't have left me hanging. Mr. Jeon hates that." His provocative whisper tickling my earlobe.

A/N: MR.JEON🔥 I wonder what this fetus child will do... omg next chapter..

Love you all~💕

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