thunder and lightning

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Percy was grinning like an idiot.

Jason was slightly uncomforted by the other half-blood's lunatic smile, but he didn't want to burst the happy little bubble he had going for him. After his little trip through Tartarus, Percy deserved to be happy whenever possible. Jason shuddered, remembering the look in the boy's eyes when he returned from hell.

Jason ignored that thought, returning his attention to the bouncy sea prince in front of him. Percy was still smiling, though he was getting an annoyed tick to his left eye. Jason smirked, rolling his eyes.

"What can I do for you Perc-"

"Jason I have to show you something cool!" Percy shouted, interrupting the son of Jupiter, bouncing on his toes as he leaned in close to the blond. Jason jumped back, startled by the other's very close, very sudden proximity to him. Before he could utter another word, Percy had dragged Jason from his chair in his cabin, pulling the other teen out of Cabin One. Jason shouted complaints, cursing the son of Neptune as he followed him, with some reluctance, down to the beach.

"Percy, what is it you need to show me?" Jason whined. "It's almost curfew, the harpies will be out soon..."

Now that Jason had said so, Percy noticed the setting sun along the horizon. It was beautiful, but rather hot. They had just celebrated the Fourth of July a week ago, and the sun was growing warmer each day. He wondered if a thunder storm was going to happen soon. There were clouds rolling in along the horizon...

He hesitated for a second, before tugging the other boy's hand, hoping to hurry him up.

"Don't worry. They won't bother us where we're going." Percy chimed, dragging Jason to the far end of the beach. He released Jason's fairly sore wrist, turning to the highly confused teen.

"Where exactly are we going?" Jason hesitated asking. Percy's grin grew wider and Jason regretted following the clearly deranged demigod.

"Swimming!" Percy chirped, giving Jason no warning before pulling the blond into the quickly cooling water.

Jason managed to shout half of the demigod's name in a curse before his head submerged beneath the light waves. He shut his eyes and held his breath for a minute before opening them to find himself -and Percy- surrounded by a thin layer of air. Percy was laughing at him, covering his mouth to suppress another bout of giggles. Jason would push his head under the water if it would actually do anything. He punched Percy's arm instead.

"Ha-ha, Mister 'water-resistant.' What's the point in this?" he sneered. Percy chuckled lightly, rubbing his sore arm.

"Heh, we need to swim to it..." he muttered, reaffirming his grip on Jason's wrist again and swimming off into the dark. Jason had to follow or risk drowning.

It was his first time feeling safe underwater. At least with how deep he assumed they were. With his past missions, the times he'd been underwater were not by choice. Jason didn't actually care for the water all that much, but feeling Percy's hand in his, and seeing the other boy glance back with that dorky smile, made him feel better about the swirling abyss around him.

The two eventually found themselves near an underwater cave. Percy turned around to Jason and motioned for him to follow him inside. Once again, Jason didn't really have a choice.

The cave led into a long tunnel with sharp rocks jutting out from the sides. Percy maneuvered around them pretty easily. Jason was not as lucky. Another string of curses left his lips.

The tunnel opened up into a warm, shallow pool with sand. Jason had never felt happier to see -or rather, sense- land. The cave was even darker than the water had been. He could barely make out Percy's dry form in front of him.

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