Florist/Tattoo Artist

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Spring had arrived early that year, and as soon as you stepped inside Persephone's Garden, it showed. It was barely mid-March, but the shop was bursting with flowers and plants of all sorts. It was great for the , of course, but Jason kept wishing for some peace and quiet for once. The shop wasn't big, far from it, but a metallic staircase in the shape of a spiral was partially hidden behind the counter. It led to a bedroom on the floor above the shop, where Jason spent most of his time.

It's a warm morning when Jason sees him for the first time.

He had just finished arranging the bouquets that were to be delivered that day when the doorbell twinkled, and someone walked inside the shop. The boy seemed to be in his twenties, about Jason's age. Dark curls fell on the side of his forehead, and he reached up with one hand to pull his hair back. His eyes met Jason's, and he smiled.
Jason's heart skipped a beat. His eyes were way too intense for someone as young as him. They were a peculiar shade, somewhere between sea-green and blue. His grin seemed almost too wide for his face.

Oh, and he was completely covered in tattoos. His neck, his arms, his hands, every inch of skin Jason could see.

"Hi," he said, turning to close the door behind him. The back of his shirt read 'Lucky Mermaid Tattoo' in bold red letters over a black background.Of course, Jason thought.

"Hi. Can I help you?" he asked with a polite smile. The boy reached for his back pocket and pulled out a small paper notebook.

"Um, actually, I- I didn't really come to buy anything. I'm a tattoo artist from across the street," he pointed in direction of the tattoo studio behind him, but didn't turn around, "and I was wondering if I could take a look at the flowers to practice my drawings? They're really pretty here, and I want to improve my realism and stuff," he explained. He seemed a bit anxious, as if he expected Jason to refuse and throw him out. Jason smiled.

"Of course. Take your time."

The boy's face lit up. "Thanks, um-"

It took Jason a moment to realize he was waiting for a name.

"Oh, sorry, uh, my name is Jason." the blond said. The tattoo artist nodded.

"Thanks, Jason."

It wasn't unusual for Jason to see the boy come into the shop after that. He'd greet Jason at the door, ask if he could take a look around, and start drawing. Jason would always say yes, even if the shop was busy. It was terribly distracting, though. He'd be in the middle of his shift, carrying boxes of tulips from his bedroom to the shop, or explaining to a client for the millionth time that no, he couldn't possibly deliver water lilies- and take one look at the boy- brow slightly furrowed, nibbling on his lower lip in concentration- before losing his focus.

Jason, you're staring. Jason, stop. It's rude and embarrassing and you're making a fool of yourse-

The boy glanced at Jason and caught his eye. The smallest hint of a smirk crossed his face before he turned around to look at the bluebells on a shelf. Jason was certain he had never blushed harder.

The boy came up to Jason at the counter once his previous client left the shop, claiming that 'any good flower shop would gladly deliver water lilies'.

"Do you live here?" he asked, his hand dropping his sketchbook to the counter. Jason put down his pen to turn to the boy.

"Kind of. I have an apartment downtown, but I sleep upstairs sometimes." he explained. The boy nodded. A short silence.

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