~4 Dinner~

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Chriz' P.O.V

          I woke up. This is it. The big day. I washed up, ate breakfast, then I decided to walk with Roen at the garden to get some sunshine. "I'm excited for later. Jewels and I agreed to be each other's date." he said with a smile. "Oh really? hahah same with Troy and I!" I said. We walked and talked more. When the sun got hot, we went back to our rooms. I read my cookbook. I really need to do well in this competition. Time flew by. Its 3:30 already. We're leaving at 5. I took a bath. I wore my beautiful dress. I did a smokey eye and golden lower lash eye make up. I look gorgeous! I french braided my hair then I made the tail into a bun. I put golden flower pins on my braid. I did well today. I'm sitting on my bed while reading a cookbook then i heard a knock on the door. I wore my eye mask then I opened the door. Its Troy. Wow he looks stunning. "Wow you look ravishing" he said while staring at me. "You look charming, Troy" I said. "Ready to go, my sweet princess?" he asked me in a British accent. "Yes". We went out my room. I saw the other couples at the hall. I see Dara and Alexander. They're so cute! "wow girl you look amazing!" Dara said. "Haha you too!" I replied. I saw Jewels and Roen. "Wow. You look. Amazing! I wish I got you." Roen said with a smile. "Aww haha! you look adorable in that suit!" I said. Jewels didn't say anything to me. She just stared at me then she rolled her eyes. Ugh. I held Troy's hand. We all went to the limousine. We finally arrived at the restaurant. We were surprised by a paparazzi. They took lots of pictures of Troy and I. There were interviews also. After the photo shoots and interviews, we finally sat at the table then ate our dinner. After that, we went to a garden. Troy and I sat at a bench. Almost every couple sat at a bench then went stargazing. "The stars are so beautiful" I said as I rested my head on Troy's shoulder. "Yes. Yes it is." he said. "Alright guys! time for the dance!" Chef Gordon said. We went to a ballroom. I put my arms around Troy's neck and Troy put his hands on my waist. "Well this is awkward" I said. "Haha for me its not. I love this" he said. The music finally played. It's Little Things by One Direction! We were swaying to the music. When we got to the chorus, I hear Troy silently sing "I wont let these little things slip out of my mouth. But if I do, its you. Oh its you. They add up to you. I'm in love with you, and all these little things" . I feel my cheeks flare up. "Troy, I never knew you love this song too" I said with a toothy smile. "Yeah haha" he said. After a while the song changed into 'Just A Kiss'. Omfg. Is Troy gonna sing again?! I wanna kiss him so much. When it went to the chorus, I hear Troy sing. Omg. I'm gonna die. "Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight, just a touch of the fire burning so bright. No I don't wanna mess this thing up, no I don't wanna push too far." he sang. I feel my cheeks turning red. I see Troy blushing aswell. We both sang : "Just a shot in the dark that you just might, be the one I've been waiting for my whole life. So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight." I feel Troy leaning closer to me. I wrapped my arms around him. I leaned closer. Then.... we kissed. Troy Glass just kissed me! Omg. "That is AMAZING!" I said while hugging him. "Yes. Yes it is. I had feelings for you too. I know you're sad that Jewels and I hang out but that's just because Jewels is forcing herself on me. You're the one I really love." Troy said. "Awww!" I said. I looked at Roen and Jewels. Roen isn't enjoying his night. "Um Troy, don't get jealous but may I dance with Roen for a while? He needs my advice" I asked. "Sure! I'm not the overprotective kind of guy so... yeah!" he replied. We went to Roen and Jewels. "May we exchange ladies for tonight?" Troy said while handing me over to Roen. "Gladly" Roen said with a smile. Jewels just rolled her eyes at me. Ugh that girl. I put my arms around Roen's neck and he put his hands on my waist. "So, how's it goin with Jewels and you?" I asked. "Not so well. She forces herself on to me. I don't like her that much. So Troy and you?" he said. "Troy and I kissed. I felt tons of good butterflies in my stomach when that happened." I said with a smile. "Oh... I have something to say. I like you Chriz. I like you so much. And seeing you with Troy hurts my heart." Roen said. "Oh Roen... I like you too but I like Troy more. I'm so sorry" I said as I hugged him. "Its alright. We can still be friends, right?" Roen asked me. "Best friends" I said with a smile. "Thanks for everything Chriz." he said. "Awww you're welcome" I said as I hugged him before I went back to Troy. "Ugh Jewels is hard to be with. She tried to kiss me" he said. "Oh she even tried herself on Roen too!" I said. "I don't like girls like that. Please don't change into that" Troy said. "I'll never do that." I said. After dancing, we all went back to the hotel. "I had a great night. Thanks Troy. Good night!" I said as I kissed his cheek. "Night" he said. I went to my room. I washed my make up off, took off my clothes then I took a warm shower. I wore my pajamas. Its 9pm so I decided to take a cook book, go to the balcony and read it. I'm halfway through then I heard someone call me. "Good evening Chriz" Roen said. "Oh hey" I said. "Readin' a cook book?" Roen asked. "Yeah. Um Roen, I had a great night. Thanks and I'm really sorry if you feel jealous..." I said. "No worries. We're best friends right? Haha!" Roen said. "Yes we are." I said. "Its getting pretty late. I need some sleep. Bye Roen! Good night and sweet dreams" I said. "Bye" he replied. I went to bed then I slept. This night is so great.


Hello guys!

I hope you're loving this book so far and if you get bored at waiting for me to update chapters at my Blue Eyes fanfic, just read this and to my new readers, read 'Blue Eyes (TroyGlass fanfic)' its great and it already has 30+ chapters. Thanks for everything guys! :) Stay tuned!

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