~3 Why~

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Chriz' P.O.V

         I hear a knock on the door. I hope its Troy. I opened the door. Its Dara. "Hey girl! Come in" I said. We sat at my bed. "I know you have a problem. Cmon. Tell me." Dara said. "Well, I have feelings for Troy. Jewels just keeps on getting in the way." I said. " You're strong. I don't like Jewels either. She's a little crazy girl that hits on any guy. I saw her last night with Roen. Then I saw her with Troy today. Then I saw her with Alexander. I got jealous too. Because she's with my Big Al." Dara said while frowning. "Aww you just called Alexander your Big Al" I said witha slight smile. "Jewels needs to drop her umm sorry for saying this but she needs to drop her slutiness." I said. "Yeah. We need to think of a plan to stop her from stealing our man" Dara said. "Yeah." I said while wiping my tears. I heard a knock on the door. "Chriz, are you there?" I hear Troy said. "Oh my gosh Chriz this is your chance! dont waste it!" Dara said. I looked at a mirror. Oh gosh. I opened the door. "Hello Troy! please wait. I'll just go and wash up" I said. Dara went out of my room. After I washed up, I went to Troy. "I'm ready. So where are we going?" I asked. "To my favorite place." he said. I know Troy only treats me like his best friend. We went to a fountain at the center of the hotel garden. "I wanted to take you here because I want us to have lunch here!" Troy said. "Aww thanks!" I said. I still feel bad. After eating, we went back to our rooms. I just stayed there and read cookbooks. Time flew by. Its 5 pm already. I made my own dinner. I made beef wellington. I'm proud of making this. I went to the balcony. I'm wearing my hoodie and I'm drinking hot chocolate. I'm contemplating about life. I'm staring at the city's skyline then I heard someone say "hello". Its Troy. "Hey." I said. "The night is beautiful isn't it?" he asked. "Yeah. I love it here. I just wish that all my problems would disappear." I said. "Well, Its getting pretty late. Good night Chriz. Sweet dreams" Troy said as he went back inside. Ugh I'm just left here contemplating about life. I got sleepy. I went inside, brushed my teeth, then went to bed.

      I woke up. Its 7 in the freaking morning. Ugh. I went up, washed up then I went out my room. I saw Gordon. "Good morning Chriz! I was going to wake everyone up because were gonna have breakfast all together. Would you mind if you woke them all up?" he asked. Well I'd love to knock and shout at Jewels' door. "I'd love to! Just wait for all of us." I said. "Alright meet me at the hotel garden". I wanted to start at Tommy's room. I knocked. "Tommy, wake up! We're all gonna have breakfast together!" I did the same with Jack, Molly, Kaylen, Alexander and Gavin. I went to knock on Dara's door. "Rise and shine Dara. We're gonna have breakfast all together!" I went to Roen's room. I knocked then I said. "Get up soldier! Time to eat breakfast! Chief Gordon will be waiting for us at the hotel garden at 7:30 sharp!". I went to Troy's room. I knocked on the door. I let myself in. "Wake up Troy. Gordon's waiting for us at the hotel garden." I said as I brushed away his beautiful blonde hair. "I'm up. I'll just wash up." he said with a smile. Lastly, I went to Jewels' room. No one's at this hallway so I knocked loudly at her door while yelling "Jewels! Time to eat! Gordon is waiting at the garden!". I went to the garden already. Jewels was late. Haha. "Lets all eat. Shall we?" Graham said. We all ate then after that, Gordon announced that his restaurant will have a grand opening tomorrow. We cleaned up then we all went back to our rooms. Jewels invited me over at her room. I'm sitting at the floor with her. "Chriz, you're my friend and I will entrust you this secret I need to tell you." she said. "sure." I said with a poker face. "okay... I... I have feelings for Troy, Roen and Alexander." she said. I was thinking 'what a slut.'. "Oh really?" I said. "Yeah. don't think of me as a three timer but I just love Troy's eyes, Roen's hair and Alexander's cuteness." she said with a smile. "Look Jewels, I-I gotta go. Bye" I said as I quickly exited her room. Why. Why.Why.Why. I went to Dara's room. I saw Alexander and her reading a cookbook. I'm glad they're together. "Hello Alex! Hello Dara!" I said with a smile. "May I talk to Dara for a minute? In private?" I asked Al. "Sure." he said as he left the room. "Dara, I have something to tell you. Jewels is really stealing Troy from me and Al from you." I said. "Oh really? She's really IS a slut." she said. "Yeah. she just told me awhile ago." I said. "Well I won't let her take him!" she said. "Me too. Wanna think of a way to let her know Troy's mine and Al's yours?" I said. "Yeah. Gordons restaurant has a grand opening tomorrow. We're all invited. We all need to bring a date. I'll take Al, and you take Troy." she said. "Great plan. Lets do it. Bye Dara!" I said. I went to knock on Troy's door but when I was gonna knock, I accidentally knocked on his face. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry! Im so so sorry!" I said. "haha its alright. So why did you knock?" he asked. "Well, tomorrow is Gordon's grand opening right? And we are supposed to bring dates. Umm will you be my date?" I asked awkwardly. "I was gonna do the same thing! Yes! So its settled. For tomorrow night you'll be Mrs.Glass!" he said jokingly. I felt my heart stop. "Yehey!" I said while hugging him. "Haha I'm going back to my room. Bye!" I said. I went back to my room feeling sucessful. I already called mom to deliver my dress. Time flew by. Its 3 already. I ate lunch already. I went to the balcony then I heard Troy and Jewels talking. I just hid but I still heard them. "Jewels please I'm not really interested" I hear Troy say. "Cmon Troy, I know you want me" I hear Jewels say. "Please Chriz is my date. Just ask Roen." Troy said. "Fine" Jewels said. I just went to my room. I read cookbooks. I hear a knock on my door. I see its Roen. "Hey! Umm I wanted to ask you something... umm....will you be my date for tomorrow night?" he asked. Ugh I love Roen too. I can't resist him but "I'm so sorry Roen but I can't. I already have Troy as my date." I said. "I understand. Well I'm just gonna ask Jewels." he said with a smile. Ugh I hate Jewels. "I'm really sorry Roen." I said while kissing him on the cheek. "That's ok! Bye!" he said. He's cheeks were flaring. He went out my room smiling like an idiot. Haha! I waited for my dress to arrive. It finally came at 5pm. I took a good look at it. Its a black and gold ballgown. Since the theme is Masquerade. The dress is black with a gold belt and a gold brooch. It looks so pretty. I also took a look at my mask. Its a black feline mask with gold finishings. My stilletos are gold. I put it in my closet. I read a cookbook then I went to sleep.



Thanks for the 2 reads ahha lol I know the drama is too early. haha I'll update tomorrow! Stay tuned!

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