~35 Places~

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     Its been months. I already graduated from the 6th grade and I got fourth place from our top 1. Oh yes its vacation time! And its also my birthday tomorrow. My birthday is on July 17. Haha! Same as Luke. MR. LUKE HEMMINGS I TOLD YOU WE'RE SOUL MATES. Haha. I get a little crazy sometimes... Mom and dad are at a seminar and I'm left here with a distant cousin of mine. I like her but we aren't close. I Skype called Troy and we talked for hours. I miss him soo much! I'm watching some Kids React episodes with him in it. Oh Troy. After that, I went on iTunes and tried to find music. I like Ariana Grande's "Problem". I reread The Fault In Our Stars. Then I lied on my bed then listened to music. I feel bored. Time flew by. Its 9pm. I already ate dinner. Mom and dad aren't home yet. I'm reading a book then eventually, I fell asleep.

     I woke up. Its July 17. MAH BIRTHDAYYY! I saw four balloons tied on a teddy bear. I read the message "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!". Its from Adrian. Awww! I went downstairs. I saw mom and dad making PanCakes. The cake is literally made out of pancakes. "Happy 13th birthday Chriz!" mom and dad said as they hugged me. "I have a gift for you. But you have to find it." dad said. "Yes!" I replied. I ate my cake slowly because it might be in this cake. Nah it isn't here. I looked everywhere then I became suspicious about this teddybear. Hmmm..  I checked the teddybear. It has a zipper on the bottom. YES THIS MIGHT BE IT. I opened it then I saw a paper. I unfolded it and I saw "Happy Birthday! We're going to Los Angeles for vacation!" Oh gosh. Los freakin Angeles! I'm excited to go there and see my friends again. I took the piece of paper then I went down. "DAD, MOM, THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE THE BOTH OF YOU SO MUCH" I said as I hugged them. "Your welcome dear. The flight will be later at 7pm. Prepare the things you'll be needing for 2 months" dad said. I went upstairs. I took my travelling bag. I put my clothes in there and my other things. I'm so excited! I prepared the outfit Troy gave me, his hoodie and Jewels' locket. Time flew by. Its 5. I took a bath, wore my clothes then I went downstairs. "Get in the car dear. We'll be leaving soon" mom said. I got in the car. Mom and dad went in aswell. I put my earphones on and listened to my playlist then I fell asleep. I woke up. We're here at the airport. We got on board the plane. "Are you excited dear?" mom asked. "Yes mom. I can't even" I said. We took off. It got cold so I wore the hoodie. "Troy must've missed you" mom whispered to me. "Yes mom. I miss him too." I said. "I like that Troy guy." mom said. I texted Troy, Jewels and Roen that I'll be visiting them. Then I listened to music. Then fell asleep.


short chapter. I'm so sorry! I've been receiving dms from you guys and you complained about "Why cant they meet yet?" well here it is. TADA! haha and btw, I will not be updating so much tomorrow cuz we're going to shop for school supplies and I'll be getting pampered for the first day in hell- I mean prison, I MEANT SCHOOL :3 So stay tuned and don't worry, this fanfic will last until Troy and Chriz grows up to adults :)

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