Chapter 6- Lucy

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Lucy missed her sister. She hadn't really been thinking when she ran from the cops, and seeing the relationship between Mae and Kernel had reminded her that Holly was all alone somewhere, wondering where her older sister had gone. That thought saddened Lucy and made her want to return to her sister so badly, but she knew deep down that there was a chance that she might never get to see Holly again.

That thought should have saddened her even more, but instead it pushed her forward. She wanted to find out what had caused the police to show up at her house, claiming that she had broken "code L-27," whatever that was. Lucy did not want to live the rest of her life as a fugitive just because she was too cowardly to get to the bottom of some ridiculous code that she had never even heard of before she was accused of breaking it.

Now she had two mysteries to deal with. The room with the writing and code L-27. The answers to both of those problems seemed so far away and impossible to find out, but Lucy knew she just had to be in the right place in the right time and solving them would be easy.

Was it bad that she had to assure herself that was true?

Since Mae was able to move around now, she had insisted that Lucy took the bed that she had been using while recovering. She'd told Lucy that there were another two beds in the house, and that whatever Kernel had told her about the number of sleeping spaces was not true, and that he had just been messing with her.

So now Lucy sat awake in the dark, staring up at the ceiling and not feeling the least bit tired. She was sure that it was well past midnight even though she didn't feel the least bit tired. It was weird that all day she had just wanted to go to bed, but now that she was actually in bed she wanted it to be morning.

She rolled over onto one side, and then over to the other and then back again. None of the positions felt comfortable to her. Or maybe it was just the location of the bed itself. When Mae had passed out on the front doorstep, Kernel had moved the bed that she was lying on into the front room, which was large and square with warm wood floors and decorated walls as well as a window looking out into the woods in the front.

Maybe that was what Lucy needed. A brisk nighttime walk. The woods looked so peaceful through the huge window, especially with the pure white snow covering the ground and trees.

Nodding silently to herself, Lucy slipped out of bed and pulled on a pair of leggings under her long nightgown before grabbing a pair of boots from the welcoming mat. She then put on a bulky black coat that was just hanging on a nearby hook and opened the door to the outside.

The instant she did so, a blast of cold air hit her bare face. She shivered and buttoned her coat, hoping that would help take the edge off.

The snow was about a foot deep, and Lucy's boots sank in it like it was quicksand. Even so, she stomped in it with a laugh, immensely satisfied with the crunching noise that came from under her boots as she did so.

She stuffed her hands in her pockets and looked up at the sky with its bright stars that scattered across it in a blanket of twinkling lights. Nighttime away from the city was so relaxing. She was used to always having to look over her shoulder to make sure that no one was following her or about to jump on her. Here in the woods, there were no people to rob or take advantage of her.

The moon shone bright through the bare branches of the trees, casting eerie shadows and a silver mist that hid the bottom of the trees from view. As she walked farther and farther into the woods, her coat seemed to keep out the cold less and less. She decided that it was time to head back and try to fall asleep so she could start to get down to the bottom of her questions tomorrow. Letting out a sigh that formed a puff of vapor in front of her, Lucy turned around and started to walk back in the direction that she came from.

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