I Never Asked You: Chapter 10

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Sieglinde was not sleeping. Her pretty face was too pale, and she had dark circles under her eyes. In her cottage she pored through manuscripts and books, reading anything she could about medicine. But it always came back to horrid treatments like leeches and bleeding. The queen luckily was not being subjected to these methods. But the pressure was on the royal physician to do something.

She so wanted to speak to her butler. To find out what had happened. Everything pointed to him having left of his own will. But somehow, she felt it was her fault he went back to Germany.

Wolfram hadn't been happy in England. He hadn't learned the new language easily. They were the only Germans in the court, aside from the Queen's relatives who called occasionally. And the queen strictly forbade Sieglinde or Wolfram from conversing  in German, just in case someone asked too many questions. This strategy had paid off for Sieglinde, who, immersed in the language, finally learned it. But for Wolfram it only made him withdrawn and reticent.

In their home, he loved poring through German literature and history. He especially liked books about the castles of Germany. His second favorite type of books were those about German flora and fauna.

She recalled how Wolf had opened a book to a castle straight out of one of Grimm's Fairy Tales. He pointed to the photo.

"Look at this, my lady. One day you will live in a castle like this."

She remembered looking at the photo and thinking that would be wonderful.

"Someday a prince will come and carry you away," he had teased her.

"But not yet," she said, as she climbed onto his lap and fell asleep on his barrel chest.

Oh, what she would give to have that moment back! Sieglinde would give anything.

She couldn't talk to Wolf. But she could talk to Ciel.

She got up, and dried her tears. She brushed her hair and tottered on her tiny feet to the door. (She had been working hard to get stronger). When she opened it, Ambrose was there, to her surprise.

"Miss Sullivan. Forgive my forwardness in calling without notice. I felt you might need some assistance." He produced a small pot holding a white orchid. "Look, I've brought you a gift."

He held out the plant. It was white, with petals shaped like the outstretched wings of a large bird. The sides of the petals were fringed, like feathers. 

"It's stunning," she said. "Thank you for thinking of me. What kind of flower is it?"

"White Egret Orchid. They are hard to find."

"I saw one like this in Granny ... in her Majesty's room." She touched the petal and made it quiver, as if taking flight. "Where did it come from? America?"

"No," said Ambrose. "A different far-away country." He reached over to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 

She jolted at his touch.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I heard your butler left. I just want you to know that no matter what, you can turn to me. For anything." 

For some reason, she felt light-headed. He grabbed her elbow and steered her to the couch. He sat them both down and put the orchid near them. 

All that she had wanted to tell Wolf and Ciel just poured out of her. Soon Ambrose knew everything. 

"I've broken my promise to Granny!" she sobbed. "I promised never to tell!"

"There, there." He stroked her hair. His touch felt like just what Sieglinde needed.

"It's too much of a burden for a young lady like you to bear alone. What a terrible story. You were treated so unfairly. And to think you still were sheltered by none other than your captor." He ran a hand up her thigh. She felt a warm feeling growing in her, as if the space between her legs was suctioning all the energy from her. 

Ambrose bent close to her. His eyes were beautiful: brown, with a hint of lavender. He whispered, "Let me take care of you." His voice was so seductive.

She closed her eyes in acquiescence, and his mouth was on hers, tongue probing in greedily.  His hand slipped up her skirt and tried to part her legs.

"N-no, I can't," she said.

"Do something for yourself," he breathed. His baritone voice was hypnotizing. "You deserve it. I'll make you feel things you never dreamed of."


Ciel had returned to the manor. After telling Sebastian everything that happened, he was lost in thought. Sebastian waited patiently. Finally Ciel spoke.

"They were dead, Sebastian. Hilde, Anne and all the rest. I thought they were dead.

Sebastian spoke. "If I may, my lord. This is greater and more far-reaching than we could have feared." He put his hand on Ciel's arm. Ciel looked at him sharply.

Why was he touching Ciel? Sebastian shook his head to clear it. Perhaps this all was just too much of a shock even for a demon?  

Sebastian took a moment to adjust a white orchid with fringed petals on the desk. 

"Interesting flower."

"I suppose Elizabeth must have brought it."

"Mm. In any case, I must leave you for a few days. I am going back to Germany to investigate. It will take me about a week. I am leaving you to the servants."

"You, my butler, are telling me what you are doing?"

"I know that someone must go back to Wolfsschlucht. And I know it can't be you."

Ciel was reluctant to admit that Sebastian had hit upon the best course of action.

"Summon the servants."

"Already done." Sebastian opened the doors of Ciel's office, where the servants all stood at attention.

Sebastian clapped his hands. "Thank you all for being here. I must go away. Alone. I expect to be gone approximately anywhere from four to seven days. I will be traveling by train to Dusseldorf and then will make my way to - "

"Not that awful place," said Meyrin. "Sebastian, be careful."

He smiled at her. "Do not worry. Guard the master and manor."

She nodded once. "Yes."

He took a valet bag and left in a horse and carriage.  

Finnian looked at the flower. "Why is there a Habenaria radiata here?"

"Gesundheit," said Snake.

"I didn't sneeze. That's the scientific name for this orchid."

"Why are you fussing about a flower at this time?" growled Bard. He grabbed Finnian's ear.

Finnian sweatdropped. "Owww! I am a gardener after all!"  


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