Ch.3:Don't Steal Her Away From Me

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(y/n)'s POV

There's still 15 minutes until the lesson starts. The most handsome boy in our grade, Haruka Itsuka(遙 五河) comes into our classroom. Many girls love him, and he has a 'Haruka fangirl team'. He has blue hair and blue eyes, and he is tall. This is what makes him popular. What is he going to do? He walks to me and holds my hands,"(y/n), I love you for a long time already, and I finally have the courage to confess. Can you be my girlfriend?"

What the heck!? I don't love him, but the most handsome guy in this grade confessed to me. It'll be rude to reject... I reply,"I'm sorry, but I don't love you. Why do you love me? Don't you love attractive girls like Minana Yukiko? You're her ex-boyfriend, right?" He smiles charmingly that makes all the girls faint with happiness,"You are beautiful, this isn't why I love you! Don't you know that you're attractive too?"

It's obvious that he loves me just because of my appearance, what a scum. Wait...I suddenly remember that he's a playboy! He tries to hug me but I push him. However, he is stronger than me. Someone suddenly pushes him away and he falls on the ground. "Are you ok?"Kazuki asks me. I reply him,"I'm fine." I should be glad to have a friend like him. There IS another one—Rinka Kagamine, but she isn't here now.

Maybe I have to give that playboy a lesson...I stand up and he smiles,"So (y/n, you want to be my girlfriend now?" I smile back,"Sorry, no..." And I kick his dick hardly while shouting,"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"He groans in pain and runs away, covering his member.

Time skip: lunch time

I walk to the canteen with Rinka, telling her what happened in the morning. "You're brilliant! I can't believe you actually kicks his dick!"she laughs. I say,"We should give that playboy a lesson." We queue up to order the delicious food and I order a bowl of ramen. The ramen from this canteen is so tastety! The two of us find a table and sit down. I drink a spoonful of soup, then someone cups my cheeks and turn my face to him/her.

I'm too shocked and this thing happened in a sudden, so I accidentally spit out the soup in my mouth to his/her face. Oh, that is Haruka. He walks backwards and shouts,"My attractive and sexy face is ruined!!!" I continue eating the ramen. Rinka says,"Tada! (y/n) take a look at this photo! I just take it when you spit the soup to that playboy! A good lesson again!"

I sweat drop,"I can't believe you did this...but it's a nice shot." She replies,"I post it on the school page!" I stand up and shout,"WHAT!?" Oh. Everyone is staring at me. I finish up the ramen quickly and go back to the classroom. I bump into someone and we fall on the ground, while I'm on him. I stand up immediately and find out the guy is Kazuki. I apologise,"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you!" Kazuki stands up and says,"It's fine."

He goes away in a fast pace. Maybe he's in a hurry? Rinka nudges me,"I ship you two~" I narrow my eyes,"What the heck..." We go back to the classroom and I start to do something else. 

Time skip:after school

Rinka just told me that she had to attend her host club meeting, so she won't walk home with me later. I pack my things and is about to leave, then Kazuki asks me,"Do you mind walking home together?" Since Rinka is not here, I think it's fine. I smile,"Sure, why not?" We walk out of the school and he asks,"Do you feel great when Bitchnana is absent?" 

I nod slightly,"Quieter than before a lot!"After walking for a while, I arrive my house and say 'bye' to him. 

Kazuki's POV

(y/n) still doesn't know that I killed Haruka. I drowned him in the toilet and locked him in his locker not letting anyone's notice me. Now (y/n) won't be bothered by that playboy. I will not allow anyone stealing my (y/n) away. Never.

Time skip: the next day

I go to school and walk to my classroom. The only thing I can see is (y/n)...and a guy with brown hair and blue eyes. How dare he approach (y/n)! And they are chatting happily! I have to kill everyone who steal (y/n)... He finally walks away, and it's a great time for me to kill him. I get the small but sharp scissors with me, hiding it so no one will know.

I tap his shoulder and say,"Hey, I wanna show you something!" He says,"Lead the way, don't take too much time." I bring him to the man's toilet and close the door. "Are you just going to show me this stinky toilet bowl?"he asks. I just ignore him and stab his neck with my scissors. I lick away the blood on my hands, then wash the scissors and lock him up in that toilet room. 

I get back to my class and ask (y/n),"Who is that guy you're talking to before?" She replies,"He's my senpai and he teaches me homework sometimes. We're good friends." Good friends also... but it's fine now. He was dead and won't bother (y/n) and me. 

"Students, please go back to your seat and stop doing anything. I'm the student council president Hatsune Miku. Itsuka Haruka, a student from class 2C was found dead in his own locker. He wasn't hurt, so the police thought he was drowned. They will investigate further more, but remember to be careful. Thank you."president Hatsune announces.

Someone finally knew that Haruka was dead, but they won't find out who drowned him. I destroyed all the clues. Some of the girls start to burst into tears and cries,"Haruka-sama died! Why! He's a nice and handsome person!" Why do most of the girls think he isn't a nice person? He's only a playboy.

No one can steal her away from me. If someone dares to do so, I'll kill him.

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