Ch.7: Four Targets

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Kazuki's POV

The little kid just finishes his lunch and goes away. It takes AGES for him to finish the half bowl of rice. (A/N:Actually, Oliver only took 3 minutes to finish it. And I forgot to tell that he's a shota.) (y/n) and I stand up and go back to the classroom.

(y/n)'s POV

Kazuki said that he has to go to the toilet so he went away. I'm walking towards the classroom, and someone suddenly kicks me, causing me to fall. "Look! Isn't that the little slut?"a bitchy voice says. I remember now! They're the two bitches whom I met during lunch time!

I stand up and one of them pushes me and I fall again. I face them and say,"Why the fuck are you doing this!?" The girl with short blonde hair and purple eyes says,"It's obvious that the reason is because YOU stole Nagisa-sama and Kazuki-sama away from us!"

The other girl with mid-length pink hair and blue eyes points at me,"Although honeys haven't speak with us, I'm sure they fall in love with us already! They are only shy to talk to us! Then a little bitch jumps out and flirts with them. Too bad but you won't be able to make them fall in love with you!" She actually looks like Ms. Megurine!

I'm sure they're just imaginating things... I sweat drop,"I appreciate your creativity and imagination, but I'm not trying to flirt with them." The blonde hair girl says,"How dare you talk with us using that kind of words!? I hope you don't kiss your mum with that mouth. Remember us, I'm Sakotori Manaka(咲鳥 真中) and she's Kokona Megurine(ここな 巡音). Don't appear in front of us!"

That's why I think Kokona looks like Ms. Megurine! They're relatives! They share the same last name. Sigh...bullies are annoying. And I can't believe that one of the bullies is Ms. Megurine's relative. Doesn't she know about that?

Kazuki's POV

I see what just happened to two girls bullied (y/n). They are so bitchy and they are now walking in my way. I talk to them,"Hey!" The two bitches lie on my shoulder and press their boobs on my arm. They say sweetly, well, more like bitchily,"Aw~What's the matter, Kazuki-sama~"

I smile charmingly,"There's a place where I want to show it to cute girls." The pink hair girl flirts,"We're fine with threesomes!" And she touches my chest. I hate these girls sooo much. I bring them to the other dimension by the magic matrix. "Kazuki–sama, you're so talented! I'm sure someone talented like you has a gigantic penis~"the blonde hair bitch says.

I want to roll my eyes but control myself. I can hear the pink hair bitch whispers fearfully,"I can smell blood here...this place is so creepy." I take out my axe and chop off her head. The blonde hair bitch screams and fall down. I walk to her and she trembles,"Ka...Kazuki-sama, you on...only want to fuck me, ri...right?" I shout,"Shut the fuck up, you dirty little pussy! Don't you know that you're not allowed to touch (y/n)!?" EVERYONE WHO DARED TO HURT (Y/N) SHOULD DIE!!!!!

I chop off her head quickly with my bloody axe, and the blood is everywhere. I can tell that the blood taste like shit by just smelling it The bitches are dead... Lefting the foolish kid and the useless senpai. I burn their heads and bodies, then clean myself so that there's no blood stained on my clothes.

Time skip:the next day at school

I'm staying in the principal's room now since I just stole the senpai's phone and took some lewd photos of the female student s from my school. Then I put his phone into his bag, and I reported this to the teacher. He will no longer be here to bother (y/n) and me. The principal thought Nagisa's the one who took the lewd photos, not me.

He was called to the office and is now standing besides me. "What's the matter, Mr.Ohta(太田)?"Nagisa asks confusingly. Mr. Ohta scolded him,"Akama told me that you took some indecent photos of the female students. This is an unacceptable behaviour! You will be kicked out of this school very soon as your punishment!"

He takes out his phone and open his photo gallery. Panty shots are shown in front of the three of us. "What!? I swear I didn't do this, Mr.Ohta! Please trust me!"Nagisa shouts without knowing what happened. Mr.Ohta says,"Taking lewd photos of girls is an unacceptable action, Akabane. I don't want to see you, you are suspended, NOW!"

He walks away, maybe he will leave the school? As soon as he's suspended, only a spoiled shota will bother the relationship between (y/n) and me. "It's almost time to have your lessons, Akama. You don't want to be late, right?"Mr.Ohta tells me to go back to my classroom. I leave his office and see the shota on my way. 

"Hi, my rival,"he whispers near my ear. I grab his shoulder and say,"I have to tell you that winning (y/n) is impossible when you have a rival like me." I'm about to suck all of his blood away, but when I dig my teeth into his neck, it feels like the blood is burning my tongue. I release myself immediately.

He smirks,"That hurts, right? It's not easy to get (y/n) from me." Holy crap..."What the fuck are you?"I ask. He smiles,"A creature that was born for slaying vampires." A difficult one... killing him is not as easy as I thought. "Let's meet at my locker after school. The one who survive will have (y/n)." He walks away, and turns around, smiling. That's not an ordinary one, but it seems like he is warning me.

"Asshole..."I mutter, covering my mouth because of the pain. 

When I sit down on my seat, a sharp pain appears in my heart and it hurts a lot. I cover it, frowning. I cough and spit my blood out. It take a look a time the blood on my table, and it's not ordinary one. It is black. "Kazuki, you're spitting black blood out! I must send you to the first-aid room!"(y/n) holds my back. 

"I'm fine..."I try to say. The asshole's blood is poisonous... it only works on vampires, but it won't affect human beings. I cough out the last dropping of poisonous blood, but my heart is still painful. 

Time skip: after school

(y/n) carried me to the first-aid room. We are so close at that time and it is the best time of the whole day. I actually blushed when she was carrying me. And when I lied down on the bed, my body temperature is higher than usual.

Ah, the bell rings, and it's time to battle. I walk down stairs and find asshole's locker, while he is standing in front of it, waiting for me. He waves at me and opens the locker door,"Let's go inside now. No one will find us out." I frown because he may be tricking me. The asshole goes inside first and says,"I'm not tricking you although I want to."

I follow him and he closes the door. It surely is the other dimension, and it's a great place for battling. "We'll try to kill each other. The one who survives can have (y/n). Let's try our best." His eyes change from blue to red, so he's obviously in his battle mode. 

"If you're feared of me, I allow you to give up since you won't survive after all." "I can do anything for (y/n), so I won't give up. You're the one who should be scared of me." "Heh, we'll see."

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