Ch.5:The Vampire

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Kazuki's POV

I'm pretending not to be the murderer, instead I'm a teenage boy who watches news on TV. I hug (y/n) tight to comfort her since she's crying. There are some of her tears on my shirt, so I won't wash it. Touching her tears is enough to make me feel excited!

"Kazuki, I will sure be a trouble if your parents adopt me. I know you're doing this for me but it's too much,"she sobs. I reply,"It's fine. My parents don't even know where to spend their money. I hope you will feel better if we live together... Seeing your sad face will make my heart shatter into pieces."

She says,"But—" I cut her sentence an smile warmly,"No buts. This is my decision." She finally calms down and we go back to the classroom. We are walking on the stairs, and a boy waves at (y/n). Who the fuck is that guy? He smiles cheerfully,"(y/n), long time no see!" He brushes his blonde hair, and looks at me with his baby blue eyes.

"Oliver(A/N: Don't worry he's not the vocaloid.) ,nice to meet you here! You finally come to Japan!"she says. The bell rings, which means it's time to start our lesson. Oliver says,"See you later, (y/n)!" He rushes back to his classroom. I ask (y/n) who he is, and she replies,"He's my childhood friend. I lived in Britain for 3 years when I'm small, and I met him in my school. We used to play together at that time. When he knew that I have to go back to Japan, he promised that he would come."

There's another obstacle in front of me again. I should get rid of it. We head to our classroom without saying a word.

Time skip(A/N:I'm too lazy~): a week later

I finished all the things of (y/n)'s parents death. Her parent's heritance will leave to her, and she will be adopted by me. Well, actually, my parents, but they won't appear in front of anyone. They will only be paying money. Her parents' funeral was done too.

My rivals are also increasing. Her childhood friend, her another senpai, and her friend in her art club. They are always bugging (y/n), not minding my existence. Maybe it's time for me too stop (y/n) from meeting other boys... It's already no use of killing the obstacles. They are increasing rapidly.

(y/n)'s POV

It's night time now, and it will be Kazuki's turn to cook for us. I lived in his house for a week and found out that he has a collection of my favourite video game and manga. I walk down stairs and accidentally bump on the wall. Suddenly, the wall opens like a door. IS a door. So this means there is a secret room here? I go inside because of my curiousity.

After stepping inside, I close the door behind me, hoping Kazuki won't be angry. Wow, it's quite dark here...and there are chains that can lock up someone's arms and legs to prevent him or her to escape. What a creepy room... But the soft moonlight is shining through the windows. It's such a nice sight...

Something like a hand suddenly tap on my shoulder. I turn around and shout,"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Oh, that's Kazuki. He's standing under the moonlight. I don't know why, but he looks like a...vampire. Maybe that's just my imagination because I've read too many manga and watched too many anime?

He's red eyes are as beautiful as ruby. Oh wait....KAZUKI IS HERE! Will he be angry with me? "(y/n),"he whispers,"I guess there's no need to hide the truth now." He walk towards me, causing me to hit the wall. Kazuki pins me, and I cannot escape. Shit. He licks my neck, and there's a shudder pain. It feels like someone biting my neck, the fangs are deep inside. He faces me, while my blood is dripping.

I look at him with my widened eyes, saying,"You're a...vampire!?" Kazuki just say,"Such sweet blood..." Will all of my blood be sucked by him? I struggle, trying to escape from him. However, his force is stronger than me. He sucks my blood again on my neck. "Stop..."I say helplessly. He lets go of me and says,"Sorry for what I've done. I know I'm a freaking creature. But I hope you won't mind this..."

I look into his eyes and see loneliness. Maybe he's a bullied child? I don't fucking know. I shake my head and say,"Why do I need to be afraid of you?" He smiles and a tear falls from his right eye. I wipe away his tear, and say,"Actually, I'm starving. Can you cook now?"

He blinks his eyes twice. Oh...did I just say something that ruined the atmosphere? He chuckles,"I guess I have no idea but to cook our dinner. Remember to help wash the dishes later." We walk out of this secret room and he closes the door.

He cooks carbonara for us, which is delicious. I have to say that his cooking skills are very impressive! And mine are...well...I only know how to cook cup noodles and how to roll sushi and sushi rolls. I'm sure Kazuki will be a great father! I finish up all of my carbonara and put the dish into the kitchen's.

I head back to my room which is beside Kazuki's, and chat with Rinka on my phone. She's quite busy these few days because there are a lot of works from her club. She knew that my parents died and she attends the funeral even she was busy. When I call her, she answers and tell me that she finds an interesting anime.

"I can't believe you still have time to watch anime!"I laugh. She says,"What's the problem? We have to relax ourselves! By the way, since you're living with Kazuki now, did you guys...?" I know that she's teasing me now... "Don't be dirty-minded, Rinka. Kazuki and I are only friends. FRIENDS,"I state clearly, but too lazy to add the word 'best' in front of 'friends'.

Kazuki's POV

I walk to (y/n)'s room to remind her about washing the dishes. When I am about to open the door, I hear her say,"Don't be dirty-minded, Rinka. Kazuki and I are only friends. FRIENDS." We are only friends, huh? We will be in a closer relationship.

I will surely make (y/n) mine very soon.

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