Chapter 6

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Chapter 6™

My stomach was erupting with fireworks when his warm hand forcefully touched my wrist. I shouldn't feel this way but I did. Like I said my brain wasn't functioning properly as I was being dragged by a maniac. He halted behind a large tree and loosened his strong grip on my hand.

''Why were you at the cafe?'' He asked pacing back and fourth, running his fingers through his loose curls.

''What do you mean?'' I spoke clearly confused, looking at him.

He breathed sharply before speaking again ''I declare that you have no right to go inside it again, and you should know if you do, bad things will happen'' His voice was threatening and wicked as he spoke each word slowly trying to make me understand what he said properly.

I sighed with frustration ''Why?' My voice began to crack at the end, I wasn't going to cry but near do to so.

''I just don't like you'' He simply stated, walking away not once looking back.

I won't say I didn't feel hurt because I did. I felt my heart slightly drop. It was a sting to my heart. I didn't get It. He wouldn't explain himself and just walks away. One minute he's flirty and sweet the next he's a arrogant Jerk. It  thought this would be a new start for me, but I guess not.

''Hey there'' I heard a unknown feminine voice behind me. My body spun around facing a girl with ivory skin and honey coloured hair It could be called blonde. She was wearing a simple red summer dress which reached her mid thighs and her straight hair that lay gracefully on her shoulders.

I gave her a weak smile when she walked over.

''You're ne -?'' She stopped mid sentence, surprised and spoke again ''Waite, your the girl who's sharing a dorm with Harry Styles?''

''Yeah'' I replied nervously fiddling with my fingers. I wish I wasn't

''Well I'm Anna'' She smiled at me.

''Im Ri-''

''Riley I know'' She cut in ''In fact everyone knows, I still can't get over the fact you're getting to share a dorm room with Harry Styles!'' She shrieked with excitement.

We sat by the tree and chatted for what seemed like hours. I learnt that she's the same age as me -17 and we have 2 classes together ; History & Gym. She told me how many girls were jealous of me because I was rooming with Harry Styles and this was his first time he got a roommate as his Dad used to be the principal of college but retired and they have a new one who doesn't give Harry the pleasures his father did.

I felt slightly sorry for him that he had to adapt to different setting so suddenly when they got a new principal, maybe that's why he didn't like me because he wasn't used to it?

Na, he just hated me.

She dropped me off to my dorm room and we exchanged phone numbers. I invited her in but she refused as she had to get ready for a party tonight. Anna had a bubbly personality and was very nice I think I might have made a friend.

The happiness dissolved when I walked inside hearing the shower was one. I didn't want to face him or have anything to do with him.

My phone vibrated from inside my pocket revealing a text-

You're coming to the party :) Pick you up In a hour.

I guess my new friend liked making decisions for me, I already refused to go to the party they were just not my thing. Also school started In a day and I wanted to prepare for everything early. The bathroom door clicked open. I'm glad I was facing the wall avoiding him but I could feel his eyes burning holes in my back.

I texted Anna a quick reply about how I couldn't come to the party but I guess she wouldn't take no as an answer as she quickly called me right after.

''What do you mean you're not coming? Please Riley for me''

''I can't come I need to get stuff ready for shcool, plus I don't do parties''

I heard a light chuckle from behind me, It was him. I guess he was laughing at me just because I wasn't a crazy fool who liked partying all the time.

''You're joking me! School doesn't start till another day''

''Actually, I'll come pick me up at 10''

Anna shrieked with excitement at the other end and I hung up the call. Right now what was I going to wear, I got up searching through my clothes, there seemed to be nothing suitable for parties.

I found a plain black dress with a golden collar design. It reached my knees and was open. It wasn't exactly a party type dress, but It will do.

I walked out the bathroom after getting changed and saw Harry sitting on his bed facing me, a smirk played on his face as he took in my dress.

''You're wearing that to a party?'' He chuckled staring at me.

I walked passed him ignoring his question. I checked my phone and which showed a text from Anna.

I'm outside :)

I slipped on my mid golden heels and walked outside having the cold air hit me. I saw Anna waiting for me  In a black sleek car, I opened the front door and took my seat on the creamy leather.

'Im so happy you're coming'' Anna stated taking a U turn out of the building.

''Me too, I guess'' Why was I coming again? Oh to prove Harry wrong. That boy pushes the right buttons.

The drive to the party was fairly short. We parked in a nearby street and walked into a large red brick house. Inside the house was insane. There was blasting music which made my heart beat quickenn, people drinking, dancing and going crazy. I felt uncomfortable In this situation It wasn't fit to my liking.

''Let's go get some drinks girl'' Ann yelled hooking our arms together and walking to a open bar. I got some weird looks on the way, I guess It was the way I was dressed but I was actually comfy.

''What would you girls like?'' The man behind the bar questioned. He seemed familiar but I couldn't remember. Then It hit me.


''You work here too?'' I felt embarrassed from the event that took place earlier.

''Yup extra work'' He laughed half-hearted ''So what can I get you?''

''Er, coke please..'' His eyebrow raised in confusion but responded with a simple nod asking Anna.

''Vodka I guess'' She beamed a smile at him.

We took our drinks and I couldn't help but be curious about Rider. There was something about him that I wanted to know.

''Let's go join in a game of truth and dare'' Ann pleaded.

''Okay, sure'' This was a party I guess.

We walked over to a circle where sat a group of people. We joined in and  the bottle started spinning. It landed on a few people where they had to take seven shots down quickly or gulp down a whole bottle of vodka. One was where they made a girl run around naked. I had to cover my eyes on that one. The girl was completely wasted.

I felt all eyes stare at me when the green glass bottle's end faced me. ''Truth or dare?'' Asked a girl sitting opposite me.

''Dare'' I spoke confidently. Last time I told everyone the truth about being a virgin I was bullied through all my high school years, So I am not making that mistake again.

''I dare you too..'' The girl spoke unable to come up with a dare as she paused for way too long.

''I dare you to kiss me'' A voice spoke up from the circle.

The room was dark, the lights were flashing and music was playing. Though I could picture out a male leaning against the wall, hands in pockets intensely staring at me. There was something about him that screamed danger, he seemed famillar.      



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