Zatara's Sis/Zatanna's Aunt

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Your POV

Zatara just took Zatanna out to her young group of friends. I walk up to my niece and engulf her in a hug "be safe, both of you" I say a smile etching its way onto my face at the sight of Zatanna's giddy state. I hug my brother just before they leave "don't be to harsh on her" I say quietly then let them go out the door. Half an our after they left I was on the cough watching the news on the Tv when the usual reports came to a sudden pause, the reporter's eyes widening in shock and surprise "this just in, all the children have disappeared!" she stated in a state of shock. My blood runs cold, my hand bolts to my phone, I speed dial my brother.

I stare at a decorated wall "Zatara. Where is Zatanna? I just saw the news. Please tell me its incorrect" I begged hoping this was all a sick prank "tell me that she is safe with you" I whisper unconcionsously pacing. He takes a shaky breath "Y/n, we might need you back for this" my eyes widen at his comment "i-is it that bad?" I ask fear piercing my voice.

I can just imagine him looking to the ground with sorrow and pain held in his eyes just as mine are. I suck in a breath "alright brother. One last mission, to get Zatanna back" I agree. Ending the call hurriedly looking for my old uniform I then teleport into the Mountain. Anger, sorrow and nervousness all weld up inside me, a swarm of emotions ready to blow up in someone's face.

I strut in looking confident when all I see is red "have you found the source?" I ask while looking to the men and robot in the room. They shake their heads while I mutter things under my breath "imbecils" I roll my eyes and say a spell to locate the source of power "lets go get my niece" just as I said that Shazam raced in. Explaining how he came from a different universe.

My eyes narrow already knowing who did this "Klarion" I mutter, teleporting to the different sorcerers I scream at the men I shout curses in between the spells. A couple minutes later the rest of my 'team' shows up. Once all the fighting is done, I see a floating figure in the distance faintly resembling Dr Fate. When I walk closer, I notice that its figure is feminine its at this point time freezes.

I stop walking, eyes wide and drawn to the figure in the sky. The silky black hair flowing with the wind, the small frame The faint glow of the ice blue eyes. Everything resembles her. I choke back a sob when I come to reality time starts up again. I start walking to the front of the group to see if my suspicions are true.

My vision blocks up "oh Zatanna, what did you do?" I whisper then I shout "Fate! Let my Niece go!" I demand as well as Zatara also demanding for her to be let free. Fate stops to not even think about his answer as it has already been decided my heart lurching at his answer "no" I gasp quietly. My knees giving way as I fall to the floor I hear Zatara bargaining with Fate I look up when Fate floats down to the ground.

Tears streak down my face as Fate takes the helmet off Zatanna I get up and run to her and my brother tackling them both in a hug. Soft sobs wrack my body so glad to have her back. But when Zatara pulls away to give Zatanna a kiss on the forehead I open my eyes wider "Zatara, don't even think about putting it on" I threaten Zatanna seems to notice as he pulls the helmet away from her grip.

She screams as her teammates hold her back. I stumble backwards "Zatara, think about what your doing, think about its toll on Zatanna, on me" I beg "Look after them" he states to Batman. He put the helmet on his head and Dr Fate appears, using his magic to pull the sorcerers away into a portal he opened.

Zatanna falls to the ground and I lean down beside her to give her a hug.

We were both in shock from that point onwards. Zatara and I may not have seen eye to eye on things, but we were close. Zatanna decided to move out of the house we lived in and moved into the mountain. When the time came, I helped pull her stuff into her room. She asked to be alone I gave her a sad heart aching smile. Even if Robin's eyes were covered, I could see how he was looking at her. When he exits the room I pull him away.

I look him in the eyes, only air and his glasses in between us "I see how you look at her. Don't hurt her. She has already gone through so much pain. Don't add to that, because I will find you and make you hurt" I threaten "you may have lost your parents all together, she lost her mother at a young age, now she just lost her father. She grew so dependent on her father, now he is gone. So don't make her feel worse" I say sadly. I turn around and walk away my hand raises to open a portal but I pause "just make her happy. Make her smile little bird. She looks beautiful when she smiles, don't you think?" I smile back at him then I enter the portal.

Time to move on. To be there for her even at this distance I will be here. An idea finds its way through my head. I walk around the house and to my room. I look on my dresser and find what I am looking for. I pick the medium sized picture in its graceful golden frame. It was engraved with small markings which meant a lot to the family. I smile at it. Realising its time to let it go. I open a small portal on her bed.

I set it down softly making sure that it didn't get damaged. I pull my hand away from the portal and close it slowly. A bit later, a vibration gains my attention. I pull out the small device only to see Zatanna's contact picture with a message saying 'Thank you Aunty y/n'. I smile at the message but soon get reminded on why she isn't at home – at my home since no one else lives here.

Hey Kittens,

Sorry it took me so long to post, but I haven't had any motivation, I mean. I have been reading and putting down ideas for new chapters, I am really interested in one request tho. I will hopefully upload next. If not I apologise for the wait and congratulate everyone for getting thru 2K17 and wish you all a great year!! 

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