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It's a bloody week at the office, everybody is working their butts off, except, of course—me, I'm just here to boss them around and I love my job, it's the only thing I love in my life next to myself. We have a very important client right now, it's none other than, the one and only Laura Macpherson, she is the author of one of the bestselling books in the whole world, and she is about to release her latest book—"I fell in love".

"Good morning Mary," greeted Clara, my secretary, as she opened the glass doors to my office. She was carrying a bunch of folders in her hand and the pilot copy of Laura's book. "Here's the finished product," she handed it over to me, "and by the way, Laura is on the phone, she wants to talk to you, I put here on hold."

"Uuugh!" I just groaned in frustration. I know what Laura wants, she will just bug me out about her book again.

"Will you answer?" Clara asked with pleading eyes, she knows this is a big deal, and I know it as well, so I guess I just have to fake it and play it nice.

"Do I have a choice?" I answered and rolled my eyes at the thought as I pick up the telephone beside my desk. "Hi Laura, how are you?"

"Hi Mary, I'm here to ask about the updates on my book, have you printed out a copy yet? Remember, I want everything in perfection, nothing less."

"Yes, of course, Laura, darling, everything is going swimmingly. I already have the pilot copy on my desk, and I will take a look at it to check if it's perfect, I want nothing more than perfection for you as well."

"Oh! Thank you Mary, I know it wasn't a mistake choosing your company to publish my works. I am so grateful." She said in enthusiasm.

"The pleasure is all ours, love." And then I hung up before she could say anything more to irritate me. "Ugh! She's such a diva."

"Well, she is the most popular author in the world, and her works are the most sold out books in any area around the globe, so..." Clara said, sitting down on the chair in front of my desk, waiting for me to dismiss her.

"That's because people are a bunch of barmy who believe in fairytales, and romance, and happy endings, which, by the way, does not exist."

"Well, I personally believe that love is what makes the world go round, and if you are fated for each other, you will find one another no matter the circumstances," she said dreamily.

"Bah! Humbug, love is nothing but a pigment of your imagination. People made it up to mask the imperfections of the world. You make your own fate, that's what got me on top. I became the CEO of the biggest publishing company in London, everybody knows the name Mary Mc'Abbey because I worked hard for it, I made my own fate. The world is a selfish place, if you will just hang on to some idiotic fantasies you will only end up starving and dead, without anyone knowing you existed."

"Oh! Mary..." she said with clear disappointment in her face. I just rolled my eyes at her. "You and Bobby had been going out for almost a year now, don't you, perhaps, feel anything for him? Even the slightest care?"

"Yeah, but we are not dating, we are just, you know, keeping each other company, being casual, fooling around. I don't mind when he goes around shagging other girls and I expect the same from him," I answered in satisfaction.

"Speaking of Bobby..." Clara motioned to a fuming Bobby, walking angrily towards my office. "I should best be off," she said before quickly walking out. Traitor!

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