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I woke up to that familiar smell I've come to know so well—Francis. I immediately opened my eyes remembering the ghastly things I have done yesterday. The vast light from the windows blinded me for a bit, when my eyes already adjusted, I was in awe. What was I doing in Francis' bedroom? Wasn't I in the museum yesterday saying those very horrible things to Pierre and his guests?

That reminds me, I have to apologize to Pierre.

Just then, a girl came in the room, she was dressed silly, her dress looks like a maid's dress but not from this time, it seems archaic. I didn't know they take traditions in this castle very seriously, even the maids have to dress medieval.

"Good morning your majesty," she greeted.

"Your majesty? You don't have to be so formal you know, just call me Mary, please," I replied, a little confused about the way she addressed me.

"Oh! But I can't, I'm only a lowly servant your highness, it isn't appropriate to call you by your first name, I might get punished if I do that," she explained.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know," I say more to myself than to her. I didn't know castle rules was this strict? I remembered Elinor talking to Francis like they were just old friends, which they actually are, so maybe that's why Elinor talks to |Francis so comfortably. That reminds me, where is Francis.

"There is nothing to apologize your highness," she smiled sweetly.

I hate how she calls me that, I just found out that I don't like being addressed as 'your highness' or 'your majesty', it annoys the hell out of me. But it's her job, I don't want to get her in trouble, I have already caused enough trouble in the museum as it is.

"Where is Francis, by the way?" I asked her as she fidgets around, cleaning the room.

"The dauphin is with the king in the great hall, your majesty."

They even call Francis the dauphin and his father king. This place is way too formal for my liking.

"Why am I here? When did I arrive?" I asked the question that has been bugging me ever since I woke up.

"Oh! You don't remember your highness? You arrived yesterday and you're here to wed the next king of France," she explained, looking a little confused to my obliviousness.

"WAIT, WHAT?" To say I was shock is an understatement. "Is this a joke?"

"Pardon me your highness?" she replied, looking scared to my reaction.

Then it hit me, maybe all of this is a prank, maybe Francis is trying to get back at me for what I did yesterday, maybe he is trying to give me a lesson. Well he is not going to fool me.

"Okay, enough with the whole act, this is a prank right? All of these is a prank," I stated, smiling to how gullible I was for almost believing.

"I'm sorry your highness but I do not know what you are talking about."

Okay, now I'm losing my patience. "Just stop it already, okay? It's not funny anymore."

"Stop what your highness?" she replied, looking more scared than before.

This actress is good, I'll give her that. I wonder how much Francis is paying her. She is doing a very good job, her expressions are so candid anyone could be fooled, but not me.

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