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"We're here Miss Mary," Lance said as he opened the car door.

I didn't answer, I was still too shock with the encounter I just had with Clara. The both of us just keep on starring at each other without uttering a single word.

"Miss Mary," Lance said once again.

Clara was the first one to break off her gaze, she stormed off the car to God knows where.

"Is anything alright Miss Mary?" Lance asked, concerned.

"Yes Lance, we just had a bit of a misunderstanding, that's all," I replied and offered him a weak smile.

"Ah! Mary, there you are, I've been looking everywhere for you, we're about to start and I need you to be right over here," Pierre dragged me to the entrance of the museum, there was a big red ribbon between the two huge doors. "You and Francis will be the one to cut the ribbon. By the way, where is he? You didn't happen to see him on your way here, didn't you?"

Pierre mentioning Francis' name brought ringing to my ear, I remembered our conversation last night, he said he loved me. There was a part of me that wanted to believe him, and I almost did, but the argument I just had with Clara reminded me of why I don't believe in love in the first place; mum and dad loved me, and I was so shattered when they left me alone in this world, and now Clara is leaving me too. It reminded me that when you open your heart to someone you will only end up hurt, and I don't want that to happen to me again. Everyone I claim to love ended up leaving me—mum and dad, Constance, now Clara, I won't let Francis do that to me either, I had enough of people leaving me behind.

My eyes landed once again on Pierre, I realized he was still waiting for my answer, "no, I'm sorry Pierre, the last time I saw him was when we arrived this morning in the hotel," I replied.

He started talking in French as he left me to look for Francis.

As I was standing there, waiting for Pierre to return, a pair of strong arms wraps around me from behind.

"Hey there gorgeous, I miss you." It was Francis, he greeted as he gave me kiss on the lips. I didn't return the gesture, I just simply gave him a weak smile. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

"Nothing, I'm just tired, that's all."

He opened his mouth to say something but before he could a very upset Pierre came, sending Francis death glares.

"You are late," Pierre said.

Francis just gave an apologetic smile in response.

"Everyone, may I please have your attention," Pierre announces, "I am pleased to announce that both of our guests of honor are already here—Francis Demmartin and Mary Scott."

Why do they always have to get my name wrong? It's 'Mary Mc'Abbey' not 'Scott' is that so hard to remember?

"Ugh!" I groaned, Francis chuckled beside me, he knows I don't like to be called 'Mary Scott'.

"It is time for the cutting of the ribbon," Pierre declares enthusiastically, "Mary, Francis, please..." Pierre gestured to the pair of scissors placed in a cushion which Lance is holding.

After the cutting of the ribbon, Pierre gave everyone a tour inside. "Right over here, is a portrait of King Francis and Queen Mary on their wedding day, don't they look lovely? And this here is the actual wedding dress Mary wore when she and King Francis got married." Pierre gestured to a beautiful wedding dress beside Mary and Francis' portrait, it was so elegant, it's so exquisite, and it was nothing like I have ever seen before, it almost look like— magical.

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