Chapter two

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Alexis's POV

"No that's not true I swear Amber!,Stella is only saying it to make you to punish me"I pleaded desperately as Stella sat opposite me a smirk playing at her lips.

"Oh really,how about I get Joe over here" Stella replied and I found myself gulping and my eyes fleeting to Amber.

After Amber's revelation we talked about safety precautions and school. I also told them about my gut feeling on the new guy at school. After all that here we are now in the dining hall having a three person dinner,the Daniels absent as always not that I care.

Stella called me out me because I'd made a late entrance at my shooting range session,it was barely three minutes!. I swear this woman wants me to be a punctuality nerd. Like its not enough with my excellent GPA.

"No!...well there's no reason for you to do so",I replied hastily.

Amber looked at me with scrutinizing eyes before she let go it making me release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Oh sweety",I looked up to Stella as she addressed me.

"Yes",I replied.

"Your car arrived while you were in the garden_"

"Why do you need another personal car,Andrew drives you to school right?", Amber intercepted.

"That's what I don't want,I want to be independent Amber not look like the school's newest rich snob and besides though its private don't forget its only ten percent of the kids that are rich and most keep to themselves, how can I keep to myself if I have a butler waiting on me.",I huffed out.

"OK,what kind of car did you get".

I smirked.

"Really!? you got a fucking Ferrari laFerrari when you already have a Lamborghini Aventador!",she yelled as I smiled sheepishly at her from across the dining table.

She gave out a huff then rubbed the frown off her forehead, successfully calming herself down.

"You clearly want this,so fine I'll let Drew know his schedule has shortened".

"Ooohhh!Thank you!thank you!thank you!",I squealed running around the table and then launching myself on her.

"Ahem...",I froze.

I'd recognize that voice from anywhere. This voice in fact belongs to the only person around my age in this house who isn't superficial. Its someone other than Amber,Stella and old man Sam that I trust with my self,the real me.

Stella and Sam's son...

My best friend Kyle

Who by the way is supposed to be in New Jersey right now visiting his mother.

"Aren't you supposed to be in New Jersey?",I winced at how hard that sounded.

"Geez Alex here I was missing you,we haven't seen each other in a week and coming back this is the welcome I get?",he says sounding deeply hurt which causes my heart to squeeze.

"Sorry,that did not come out right,it sounded a lot more sweet in my mind",I reply feeling sorry.

"I know,I was just messing with you".


"My baby!",Stella cried out swooping him into a warm hug.

Just then Sam rolled in from the living room with a suitcase in hand.

"You forgot something in your hurry inside",he remarked to Kyle teasingly.

"That eager to see your best friend huh",Amber joined in on the teasing and I blushed lightly at the insinuations of these old folks.

"I-I have to get luggage to my room",Kyle said rubbing the nape of his neck before hastily picking up his suitcase and scrambling out of the dining hall.

"coward",Amber whispered making everyone laugh as I continued to shame tomatoes.

Kyle and I have been best friends from birth,like literally I was born here at home in mom's bedroom and his five month baby self was sleeping on a twin bassinet in the far corner of the room ,after I was cleaned up I was placed next to him on the bassinet and from that moment on we were inseparable.

We would cry when we weren't put to sleep together during our naps. This happened until we turned five when my mom told me boys had cooties,I refused to be near him for a whole day and even he didn't want me near him either,that night was the first time we slept apart. Since then we never slept together again,though we became close again the next day.

Because of our closeness mom,Stella and Amber have always been convinced we like each other more than in a friendly way,they've even convinced Sam now.

"You guys are reading too much into this".I declared.

"Says the one who never blushes when flirted with but can't stop so when her 'very' close best friend is in the room",Amber retorted.

"I'll be in my room",I said as I walked out of the room eager to be away from their teasing.

I heard their laughter as I walked away and it brought a smile to my face to know that they were happy,I know that in a way my birthday will bring back confusingly sad memories.

I walked into my room to be enveloped by darkness, as I closed the door I moved to the direction of the switch only to feel strong muscular hands wrap themselves around my waist. I instinctively brought my heel up and thrust it into my attacker's crotch thanks to years of gymnastics.

My attacker immediately let go and I turned around ready to swing my right crook at his face when he groaned ...wait do I know him?.

"Geez Alex, how will you become a mother if you destroy my machine",he let out with a pained gasp.


My eyes widened and I quickly scrambled to the switch and turned on the lights. Looking over to him he kneeled hunched over as he held to his manhood.


Alexis GraceWhere stories live. Discover now