Chapter 9

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My P.O.V

I wanted to reply something, but Austin distracted me by saying: “well, I have to go now! But I’ll hear from you, okay?” I nodded, still a bit confused about the things he said earlier. I couldn’t believe, that he really felt these things like I did. Austin took a deep breath and looked into the webcam. “bye my baby girl. Love ya!” he smiled, but seemed a bit afraid. Of my answer maybe. I couldn’t help, but stare at him with my mouth open wide. As he saw my facial expression his smile grew wider and he giggled. Then he waved and hung up and let me alone with this confused feeling. I sat there in shock, while the austream started. He greeted us Mahomies and played some songs on his guitar. “bye, my baby girl. Love ya!” I heard his voice again and again in my head. He said that he loved me. I couldn’t believe it. I felt how the butterflies in my stomach were freaking out. My hands shook like crazy and I felt a bit dizzy. I breathed  slowly in and out and tried to calm down. Meanwhile Austin answered a few questions and talked about his week. “… But the highlight of that week was, that I met that amazing girl on twitter.” He smiled like crazy and continued. “I think she’s watching right now. So, Nadine, I wanted to tell you, that I’m really glad, that I met you and that I really like you, my little girl.” He grinned and winked. I blushed and couldn’t stop smiling and tipped in the chat: “that’s soo cute of you!(: and I like you too! Really much! ♥” Austin read the through the chat and stopped at my saying. He smiled and his eyes sparkled. Then he took his guitar and said: “So, I’ll sing a song for you, Nadine.” He started playing his guitar and I realized, that he wanted to sing “One Less Lonely Girl”. He watched the chat and stopped at one phrase. “do you sing that song to her, because you want her, to be your girlfriend? :o” that was exactly I was thinking about. Would he really want me as his girlfriend? :o that chat suddenly went crazy, because everyone asked now this question. Austin ended the song and looked at the screen. He laughed, probably because he read the same question again & again. “Did you play that song, because you’d like to have Nadine as your girlfriend?” he read it out loudly. OMG, was he really going to answer the, for me most important question ever? :o “Uhm w-well.” He stuttered and blushed a bit. Then he bit his lip and grinned. “hm, maybe!” he winked and I fell off my chair. DID HE REALLY JUST SAY, THAT HE WOULD LIKE TO DATE ME? :OO I freaked out. But a few minutes later I calmed down a bit and sat to my laptop again. It was almost 1:00 am so Austin ended his Ustream with saying: “See ya later, mahomies! I love you so much! With all my heart! <3” he did the heart with his hands and winked, what made me melt inside like always. I turned my laptop off and went to sleep and started to dream about Austin.

The next morning

I woke up at 6:30am and got ready for school. Then my mom drove me there. I immediately looked for Melanie and ran to her, as I found her. “OH MY FREAKING GOSH!!! MELANIE!” I yelled as loud as I could and she turned around to me with a confused expression on her face. “you won’t believe what Austin said on his Ustream yesterday!!!”, I said, as I got nearer to her. She asked “what?” and I started to tell her EVERYTHING till the bell rang and we had to go to class. Time flew & I could finally talk to Melanie again. I finished my narrative (?) and she freaked out as I came to the part, when he said he would like to date me. The rest of lessons were over faster than I thought and finally I got home. I got on twitter and checked Austin’s acc. He tweeted about 5 minutes ago:

@AustinMahone: ‘i’m just about going on the plane(: wish me a good flight to L.A.! <3’

I replied: @nadine_superman: ‘I hope you’ll have fun(: & text me as soon as you can! <3 xx’

I immediately got a text from Austin, which proved, that he were creeping! ;)

Austin: “hey pretty girl(: hope you’re doing well! ♥”

Me: “hello handsome(; i’m doing really good, just missed you! /: how are you doing?(: ♥”

Austin: “aw, I missed you too! Couldn’t stop thinking of you! <3 I’m doing pretty good, just sitting at the airport and about to go on the plane(: ♥”

Me: “could also not stop thinking of you! <3 hope you’ll have fun in L.A! :’D who’s coming with you btw? ♥”

Austin: “I’m sure I will! :D but it would be much better, if you were there with me! <3 Alex! Oh and, Justin & Cody are flying with us! ;) ♥”

Me: “I wished, I could be with you right now! <3 Justin & Cody? Oo should I know them? ♥”

Austin: “I wish exactly the same!! <3 uhm, you should definitely know them! I’m sure you know who Justin Bieber & Cody Simpson are? ;) ♥”

Me: “OH MY FREAKING GOSH!! You know Justin BIEBER & Cody SIMPSON? :’o & you’re with them right now? :o ♥”

Austin: “haha, yea!(: actually they’re the ones who gave me the chance to record a song! (: ♥”

Me: “OMG! :’O why didn’t you tell this before! :o ♥”

Austin: “you know, it’s really cute, when you’re fangirling like this :’D and I haven’t told you, because. I don’t know Oo I think I just forgot it ^^ ♥”

Me: aw, stop it you :’) how can you forget something like this? ^^ ♥”

Austin: “I told you, I’ll never stop complimenting you, hun! <3 haha, well I just did! (; ♥”

I immediately told Melanie about that & she fangirled around like crazy, because she’s like the biggest Belieber ever! I decided to give her a pleasure and texted to Austin: “could you maybe do me a favour, cutie? ((: ♥” he replied: “there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you! (: ♥”

Me: aww, austy(: could you tell Justin to text my bf Melanie? :’D she’s probably the biggest Belieber I know!! :b ♥”

Austin: “ya, sure xD give me her number & I’ll tell him to text her! ;) ♥”

I texted him Melanie’s number and a few minutes later, I got a phone call from Melanie. “ya? What’s up?”, I asked her as I picked up the phone. “JUSTIN FREAKING BIEBER JUST TEXTED ME!!!!!”, she yelled into the phone. I laughed and said: “Yeah, I know!(;” She gasped. “What? :o how do you know?” I replied:” well, I told Austin to tell Justin to text you!” I heard her saying “Oh My Gosh” about a 100 times, because she obviously got a new text from Justin. I laughed and said “bye”. Then I hung up and checked my twitter. I got a few new mentions and read throw them. “Does @AustinMahone mean @nadine_superman with that tweet? :o I hope they’ll start dating! They would be soooo cute together! :’))” I got on Austin’s profile, to look which tweet that Mahomie meant.

@AustinMahone: ‘I really wished, she would be right by my side. so I could hold her & never let her go! <3’

if that tweet was really about me, then that was the cutest a boy ever told me! I smiled and read another of my mentions. Most of it stuff like, how cute Austin & I would be as a couple. I smiled even more & thought about how amazing it would be, to be Austin’s girlfriend. When he would hold me with his strong arms. When he would stroke me cheek. When he would kiss me.. I immediately wanted him so badly at the moment. I wished I could just go on a plane & fly to him, but unfortunately it wasn’t that easy. I sighed and got on twitter again. “oh my gosh. Austin must be blind, when he likes a girl like @nadine_superman!! She’s like the ugliest girl I’ve ever seen! “, someone tweeted a few seconds ago. I was shocked. Why did that girl say that? I’ve nothing done to her. I was about to cry, as I noticed a new mention. I refreshed the site and read:

@AustinMahone: ‘@******* why do you say this? You don’t even know her! & maybe you’re blind, because Nadine is the prettiest & most beautiful girl, I’ve ever seen! <3 & if you hate her, because I like her, then maybe you’re not a #TrueMahomie …’

I couldn’t do anything, but sit there and look at the screen. Did he really just defend me? :’o He was really the cutest & most adorable boy I’ve met! Since the day I first talked to him, I felt so loved! I never felt like this before! And when I just think about him, i can feel the butterflies in my stomach freaking out! 

Stay With Me - An Austin Mahone Love Story ♥ (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now