Chapter 12

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Austin’s P.O.V

We left Melanie’s house and just walked around. I grabbed her hand and held it tight. She smiled the whole time and I was happy that she was happy. We talked about everything and I just fell more and more for her with each word she said. I decided to finally ask her out, but I had to find a good place for it. I looked around and found a park bench under a huge tree. I dragged her to it and sat down. After a few seconds I started talking. “Nadine, I think you actually know how much I like you. You’re the cutest girl I’ve ever met! You’re so freaking adorable.” She blushed and looked down at her hands in her lap. I lifted up her chin and we looked into each other’s eyes. “I know we life far from each other, but I could definitely not stand it to see you with another boy. So would you ---”. Nadine’s phone rang and ruined the moment. She looked at meapologetically.  I sighed and said: “Well, pick it up! It could be important.” She nodded and answered the phone. While she was talking I took her hand and played with her fingers. She shook her head about this, but smiled happily. Finally she hung up and put her phone back into her pocket. “So, what were you going to say earlier?”, she asked with her pretty smile on her face. I really wanted to ask her out, but I decided to wait till we’re in Texas. “Aww, doesn’t matter!”, I just smiled at her & she looked kinda disappointed. I stroke across her cheek and said: “I’ll tell you later, okay? But for now, would you like to go to Starbucks maybe?” Her face lighted up and she nodded. “Suuuuuuure! Let’s go!”, she yelled enthusiastically. Nadine jumped up and dragged me with her. We walked to Starbucks and got some coffees.

My P.O.V

At Starbucks Austin bought 2 coffees for us. Then he got to the restroom and I just sat at a table and waited. Suddenly someone walked in front of me. “Ohhh, look! Why don’t you go and finally find friends! “ I looked up and noticed Kevin & Mike from my school standing at my table. They both use to bully me in school, so that thing Kevin said wasn’t surprising at all. “Leave me alone!”, I replied quietly and hoped, they would do what I said. But as I except, they just stand there and looked at me conceitedly. “What will you do, if we don’t? Run back to your mommy like a baby?” Chris said and laughed nastily. I just turned away and ignored them. “Didn’t you hear what he said? Answer him, bitch.” Kevin said and squeezed my arm hard. It hurt really badly, but I held my tears back and just sat there. Chris was about to squeeze me too, but suddenly someone dragged them back roughly. I looked up and saw Austin, but he didn’t look at me. He faced Kevin & Chris and said: “Why don’t you two just fuck off and leave us alone.” Austin was furious. Kevin & Chris just turned around and left, without saying anything. Austin sat next to me and just looked at me. I rubbed my arm, which hurt like hell. “Baby girl, are you okay?”, he asked in a worried voice. I nodded, but felt how a tear streamed down my cheek. “Well, you’re obviously not! Who were these two jerks?”, Austin asked. I could feel how even more tears streamed down my face and I started to cry total. “Baby girl, don’t cry!”, Austin hugged my tightly and stroke my back. That just made me cry even harder. We sat there for a few minutes till I calmed down a bit. “So, what did those idiots want from you?”, Austin asked, still holding me in his arms. I cleared my throat and started talking: “Well. Those two are going to my school and they use to bully me for about 3 months now. I have no idea why they do it, because I never did something to them and I was always nice and friendly. From one day to the other they started to make fun of me and insult me. Sometimes they even hit me or like today squeezed me really hard.” I sobbed and looked down. Austin hugged me even tighter. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I could have helped you!” Austin whispered in my ear. I shrugged my shoulder “I don’t know. It's just, that I almost never talk to anyone about my problems, because no one cares. And I didn’t wanted to annoy you with my problems..” I answered. “How can you even think you could annoy me? You can always come to me with your problems! I’ll always listen to you and try to help! You just have to tell me, when something’s wrong!” Austin answered softly. I kissed his cheek and said “Thank you, Austy. Thank you so much. You’re probably the nicest and sweetest person, I’ve ever met!” Austin smiled his gorgeous smile and I felt butterflies in my stomach, like always. “Maybe we should go back home. It's kinda late & your mom may ask where we are.”, Austin said and we both stand up. He grabbed my hand and we walked home. As we got there, I noticed that our car wasn’t there. We got inside and I found a note in the kitchen saying, that my mom & my dad would stay at a friend’s house. That meant except for my grandma we were alone at home. “Would you like a sandwich or something?”, I asked Austin, as I heard his stomach rumbling. He laughed and nodded. So I made us some sandwiches. While eating we sat on the counter and talked about stuff. We finished and did the dishes. Then we walked in my room and I asked: “Do you want to watch a movie or something?” Austin nodded: “Sure. What kind of movie?” I shrugged my shoulders. “Anything you want.” He thought a moment. Then he said: “What about “A Nightmare On Elmstreet”?” I gasped. I’ve watched that movie only once but had still nightmares. “I mean, we can also watch anything other, if you don’t want to watch a scary movie”, Austin said as he saw my shocked face. “Nah.. It's okay. Just don’t laugh at me, when I scream or something.”, I answered and tried to look normal again, even though I was scared like hell. “I promise. I won’t laugh!”, Austin said and smiled at me softly. I nodded and got the DVD from the living room. I put it in the DVD-player and walked to my bed, where Austin was already sitting. I sat next to him and presses “play”. As the movie started Austin pulled his arms around me and placed me on his lap. I leaned my head on his chest and couldn’t be happier. With Austin by my side the movie wasn’t that bad. Of course I was scared to death, but every time something really scaring happened, I would just squeeze Austin’s hand and he would hug me and hold me tight. Finally the movie was over. I turned the TV off and we just laid in bed and cuddled. Austin took his phone out and asked: “Do you mind if I take a picture of us? I need a new background.” He winked and made me melt. I said: “Sure, take one!” Austin smiled and took some photos of us. On the last picture he pecked my cheek, but before he took it, I turned my head and crashed my lips on his. He took the photo and pulled back. I grinned and snuggled up to his chest. He put his arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head.

Stay With Me - An Austin Mahone Love Story ♥ (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now