Chapter 1: We Have Arrived!

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"We finally made it!" a voice shrieked causing me to nearly jump out of my seat. My eyes that had been glued to the window turned to the body next to me.

"Could you be any louder?" I whispered at the overexcited blonde.

"Come on San! We are here! After years of planning and then studying, we did it." She nearly cried as she tugged my arm. I couldn't help the smile that plastered itself onto my face. I had never thought that I'd ever leave the confines of New York, yet alone make it to another country. It took a year for me to get my grades up, but all of that hard work has finally paid off.

"Good morning passengers! On behalf of Virgin Atlantic, I would like to welcome you to London. We will be descending into Heathrow Airport shortly. We ask that all passengers take this time to gather your belonging, place your seats in the standard upright position and close all trays. Thank you for flying today with Virgin Atlantic." Echoed the voice of the pilot.

"Oh my god, we are really doing this. We are here!" I replied nervously. My stomach was officially in knots. "Quinn!" I practically yelled. We let out a loud laugh before placing our seatbelts on and fixing our seats. Around us the rest of the passengers were slowly gathering up belongings that had been strewn all over the place. Due to the emptiness of the flight, most passengers had moved around to different seats allowing themselves to become more comfortable for the red eye flight.

"I wonder how many of them are in the same program as us." Whispered Quinn. I looked around at all the faces. I could see a few young faces that looked to be around the same age as us.

"Hmm, maybe the guy over there." I laughed slightly. He had his hair styled into a Mohawk and seemed to be pretty tall. From the looks of him, he was possibly in his early twenties.

We remained giggling about everything until the plane finally landed. We gathered our carry-on bags and made our through the passageways, following the signs to the baggage claim.

"Look! I told you they called it the 'Toilet' here! Score one for Santana!" I said cockily as I snapped a picture of the yellow colored sign. Quinn just shook her head and continued down the long passageway.

After about 10 minutes of walking, we finally reached the final obstacle before the baggage claim; Immigration services. The line to have your passport checked was ridiculously long.

"Geez, did all the flights land around the same time for foreigners?" Quinn joked. I gave her a look and we proceeded to waiting in the line.

Surprising enough the line went quicker than expected and soon we found ourselves gathering our luggage. "Okay it's 7:00AM, the pick up is scheduled for 8:00AM. We should head over to the area." Quinn only nodded as her hands were currently preoccupied. "I told you to bring only one luggage Quinn." Wrapped around her shoulders were two purses, one was large enough to hold at least three pairs of clothing with matching shoes. To match, she had two suitcases, including a very large brown one that I'm surprised was even allowed as a checked-in bag. Her second bag was only slightly smaller. "I gots this San." said Quinn with confidence. To my surprise, she actually managed to get her bearings and somehow hauled them towards the meet up point with ease. Lucky for her there were elevators.

"So they said to meet in front of the main terminal exit right? I think this is the right place" I said looking around. I noticed that next to us was a large grouping of seats. "Let's put our stuff here and see if anyone else from our group shows up" After dumping out belongings onto some of the seats, Quinn and I took turns using the bathroom to freshen up. As I waited for Quinn's return, I took out my now useless Iphone. My parents decided against giving me an international plan as we had cheaper options like Imessage, Skype and Facetime. My only concern was that I needed minutes to add to my unlocked phone so I can find Quinn while in School. Hopefully the rates are cheap here. I opened my phone and opened a new game of FreeCell to keep myself occupied.

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