Chapter 2: Cheers!

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Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or any of the characters. This is purely for fun and not for profit in any way.

Gathering all of the students onto the bus to our new dormitory went fairly smooth.

"Lift!" yelled Rachel as she, Quinn, Brittany and I attempted to get all her luggage onto the storage area of the bus.

"Berry, what do you have in here? Rocks?" I hissed as I felt a sharp pain in my finger. "No, just some song books and all my CDS" shrugged Rachel and she finished pushing the luggage into the bus. Before I could reply, a hand grabbed by own causing all the words in my mind to disappear.

"You hurt your finger?" asked Brittany. Her fingers proceeded to massage the jammed finger. Her eyes squinted and she bit her lower lip in concentration. "Does it still hurt?" she asked after what felt like hours. My heart was beating abnormally fast and I'm pretty sure my brain wasn't functioning properly. I could only nod at this point.

"Hurry up you two, we need to get seats!" shouted Rachel.

"Okay." Shouted Brittany, "She's always in a hurry" Our eyes made contact and I wished we didn't have somewhere to go. She let go of my hand softly, as if it were made of glass. "I hope this helped at least a little", She said looking genuinely concerned. Is this just her personality or does she really care? "You know Santana, I think we are going to be great friends." She said before heading onto the bus.

"I hope so" I whispered before following. My mind was a complete mess.

I was surprised to see a good 15 students already seated with still a few people still loading their luggage onto the bus.

"San over here" Waved Quinn lazily. She was already sitting comfortably in her seat , practically snugling with the window. I continued past excited looking students until I reached her. Across the aisle abiout two seat in front of ours sat Rachel and Brittany. Rachel was talking poor Brittany's ear off about something I gave her a sympathetic smile before sitting next to Quinn. About 20 minutes later the bus departed and we were finally leaving the terminal. The bus was full of excited chatter and you could hear bit of conversations about the sights people plan to see and the exciting new classes they will take. It turns out the bus had to stop at a few other terminals before making its way to downtown London. By the time we were out of Heathrow Airport almost all of the chatter had turned into snores. To my left, Quinn was fast asleep with her hoodie over her head, with her head currently resting on my shoulder.

Unfortunately for me, I was wide awake with way too much excitement and anxiety. I never thought that I would be able to leave the country, nevertheless, with the consent of my family. After one year of planning and hard work, Quinn and I finally made this into a reality for us. Maybe this time, I will be be far away enough from everyone and their expectations that I could finally live.

Without trying to disturb Quinn, I leaned forward and slowly pulled out a notebook with a small pen attached and began to write. All of my pain, worries and concerns drifted out of my head and onto this paper, hopefully permanently.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to London!" Shouted a lady. Groggily, Quinn stirred next to me and slowly began to wake. I had been so lost in thought; I hadn't realized we had made it to our dorm yet. Around me, I could hear the rustling of bodies and multiple groans. "I hope you enjoyed that nap, it should be your last one today. I wouldn't recommend sleeping until later tonight unless you enjoy jetlag. " I turned to Quinn who's eyes had bugged out by this. "Now, now you mustn't worry, we have a range of things for you to do in your new dorms! So, in a moment, I will be given my cue and you will all follow me off the bus and into the Nidos Kings Cross Towers." She said in one breath. She looked away briefly before turning her attention back to the bus, "Please follow me everyone. Do not forget your belongings that the bus driver has been kind enough to place ontot the sidewalk for you." She then exited the bus abruptly. As if hit by a wave of energy, everyone jumped up attempting to grab all their belongings and make a mad dash to the outside of the bus.

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