Chapter 7: Come Light Me Up

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The next morning, I lay in bed deep in thought. Luckily, Quinn was still in the shower preparing for her early classes, which allowed me to continue to dwell on my thoughts. My mind couldn't stop replaying that kiss. I couldn't believe that Britt kissed me. I mean, here I was terrified that she would reject me holding her hand.

"Oh, hey San! I didn't realize you were up." Said a surprised Quinn. She had exited the bathroom clad in a bra and her jeans. "I didn't wake you, did I?" she asked.

"No, I've been up for a while" I admitted as I pulled my phone from under my pillow. I pushed the home button and saw no texts. I didn't expect her to text, but it didn't stop the sad feeling in my gut.

"Really?" She asked, "I swear San, I'll never understand how you like being up this early." She grabbed her blouse from her bed and tugged it over her head.

"You are definitely not a morning person. Quinn your shirts on backwards" I said with a laugh before turning back to my phone.

"You know that staring at your phone isn't going to will a text or phone call, right?" she asked. I could see her watching me through the mirror.

"Really Quinn? That's not creepy at all."

She shrugged, "What's got you so tense this morning?"

I looked away from her. I wanted to tell her, but I wasn't sure how to.

I sighed, "I'm not exactly waiting for a text. I just wish she would text me."

"Who?" she asked, "Britt?"

"Who else do you think?"

"Well San, no offense but she did just spend the entire weekend with us. She's probably just tired." Said Quinn, "Plus you'll see her for your Monday morning Britt and San time. Which we still need to talk about missy! As your best friend, I feel like I should get a day dedicated to us too. How about-..-"

"She kissed me" I interrupted, unable to hold it in any longer. Quinn stopped talking and stared at me in shock.

"On the lips?" She asked

"Yes...what do you mean? Where- actually don't answer that" I laughed. Quinn's mouth was agape. "You know, you'll probably catch flies if you keep your mouth open like that." I joked. Suddenly, a body jumped onto me.

"Oh my god! Finally!" She screeched as she hugged me.

"Quinn! You're going to squish me!" She laughed before moving to a sitting position.

"When, how, wait- when?" asked Quinn curiously.

"Yesterday night." Her hand smacked my arm hard. "Ouch"

"You waited that long to tell me!" She said in between smacks.

"Quinn!" I yelled as she glared.

"Okay. So how?"

"I would think you knew how a kiss starts." I laughed.

"San" she practically growled.

"We were saying bye and making fun of you and Rachel. She just kissed me."

"So.." she drawled. "How did you feel" At this, I smiled brightly.

"It was short," I answered slowly.

"So then what's the problem?"

"There's no problem. I'm just so confused." I answered, "Where does this leave us? Does she want to be more then? We didn't really speak after so I'm just..." I stopped there unsure of the word.

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