Chapter 11: When i'm Ready to Fall

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Chapter 11: When i'm Ready to Fall

"In 20 hours we will be in Italy!" Squealed an excited Quinn.

"Weren't you about to cry when you realized we were stuck on a 7 hour train like 3 days ago?" I asked warily.

"Well that was different" she scoffed, "This is a ferry! A ferry equipped with a bar and restaurant and a beautiful view!" She said excitedly. I shook my head at her and smiled at her enthusiasm. I then turned my attention to Britt who was staring at the water clearly deep in thought. As Rachel promised, Britt seemed to be feeling better and was returning back to her normal self.

"They're Boarding us!" exclaimed Rachel. As the line moved, i grabbed Britt's hand, effectively getting her attention. I had intended to let go as soon as I had her attention, but she held on tightly.

We all walked onto the large ferry and up the stairs until we reached the main lobby. A few workers were guiding people to their rooms. We handed one our ticket and were escorted into a large theater looking room.

"You're kidding me... right?" asked Rachel as she took another look at the tickets. The theater was literally an auditorium filled with seats. There were already passengers inside laying out thick sleeping bags all over the floor areas. Clearly they were prepared for this overnight trip.

"Well...remember this was a pretty inexpensive option and it's only for 20 hours." said Quinn quickly.

"Quinn! Where do we put our belongings?" asked Rachel. "Are you telling me we have to walk around the entire cruise with our luggage!"

"Umm yes. But its just for 20 hours! And then we will arrive in Rome!"

"Actually we will arrive in Civitavecchia" I corrected. She glared at me causing me to shrug, "What? It's like the outskirts of Rome"

"Quinn! We arrive tomorrow! Around 6PM! Where do we shower? Where do we sleep?" asked Rachel. Quinn pulled out a bar of soap and some toothpaste.

"In the bathroom of course" Said Quinn as she pointed to the restroom sign towards the back of the auditorium.

"No" said Rachel stubbornly.

"Where's your sense of adventure Rachel?" asked Quinn in a huff. Britt and I stood there laughing at them. We always somehow found ourselves in these types of situations.

"Next time, Britt and I are planning everything" Huffed Rachel.

"Fine by me"

Hours passed and eventually we had split up. I spent some time with Britt trying to nap in the theater, while Quinn and Rachel spent some wandering around the ferry. Eventually, Britt and I gave up on sleep due to the uncomfortable seating and the strong breeze. Instead, we spent some time in a secluded corner just cuddling for warmth, talking and occasionally kissing. She actually told me a little bit about her home-life before her mom passed. She seemed so at ease when describing her mom, it made me sad thinking about how hard this must be on her. Even though, my own mom and I barely understand each other, I could only imagine how hard it would be to lose her. Imagine actually having a strong relationship with her. The more I get to know Brittany, the more I liked her. I feel like at this point, I can't picture not having her in my life, which also scared me.

Eventually around 2AM, we ended up joining the girls in the bar area, where we spent most of the night drinking wine and joking about the rest of the trip.


My hands held onto the railing, while my gaze was focused out at the water, the sun was rising in the distance and was so captivating. Different shades of red and orange were mirroring off the sun and into the water, creating a beautiful display of colors.

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