Chapter 12: If Happy Ever After Did Exist

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Another Warning: Bold writing has some sexy-time. Italics are memories.

Chapter 12: If Happy Ever After Did Exist

"Come on!" I groaned at my phone. "I should have won that round!" I threw my phone to the side of the bed in frustration before reaching for my nearby laptop. Lately, it's been really difficult to keep my temper down. It's like everything has been making me frustrated. The background on my computer was one that Rachel apparently took. It was when Britt and I were on the ferry, staring out at the sunrise. I sighed before I opened Facebook and scrolled through my feed. It had been exactly a month since spring break ended. A month since Brittany and I shared our first time together. I couldn't help but smile at the memory.

That morning, I woke up before her due to the silent alarm on my Fitbit going off. I had tried to move my body, but was trapped in a beautiful mess of legs and arms. My hand brushed her skin and that's when I realized that we were still naked. Oh my goodness, last night wasn't a vivid dream. I had sex with Britt. I felt this incredible amount of excitement and happiness as I remembered all of the feelings I never knew I could feel. I was always told that my first time would be overrated and over way too fast, but wow was everyone wrong. I mean We had only just fallen asleep maybe a few hours ago after a very long night. Quinn was definitely right about Britt knowing the female anatomy very well. I still could feel the way her warm long fingers caressed my inner thighs, the way she knew exactly where to touch so that I couldn't help but gasp or moan.

I looked at my Fitbit and my eyes widened at the time.

"Baby" I whispered, gently stroking her hair. "we have to get up" She scrunched her face slightly and then burrowed her head further into my neck making me giggle. "If we don't wake soon, we won't have time to shower" I reassured her.

Still no movement. If we don't get up soon then Rachel will find her way into this room and I really would prefer if she and Quinn didn't find us naked in bed. I then moved my free arm so it was touching her back. As I did this, I noticed her move slightly. Feeling confident I started tracing circles on her back and again noticed her shifting. I smirked before I moved my hand slowly across her back all the way down to her waist, continuously tracing light circles.

"Mmm San." She whispered. My hand continued tracing circles as I trailed it back upward towards her mid-back. "Okay, baby, i'm up" She mumbled pushing herself into my body. Her blonde hair was tangled slightly, but god she's never looked so beautiful. Mine on the other hand must resemble a lion's. It's no secret that my hair when its naturally curly can become pretty wild. I once scared our suite mate when I woke up late for class freshmen year. I had rushed by her, hair wild, hands flying everywhere; yelling no, no, no! She looked like she'd seen a ghost. I used my free arm to try and find my mints, but couldn't find them.

"Looking for something" Asked Britt who was now watching me with amused eyes.

"Uh no" I lied. "Just stretching my arm" I moved my arm back and forth in show.

"Oh really. So I guess you wouldn't know who these belong to?" Asked an amused Britt. She removed something from near her head; my mints. "I hope they don't mind if I take one then" She laughed as she slowly placed one in her mouth.

"When did you find them?" I asked dejectedly.

"Paris" She smiled. "I just didn't want to embarrass you. You were already nervous enough. But-- I think it's safe to assume you're not as nervous anymore?" She asked playfully. I mock glared at her. She took another mint out of the container and then leaned onto her elbows so her face was hovering next to mine. She gestured to my mouth. Even this simple act turned me on. My lips brushed her fingers as I took in the mint. Her eyes fluttered a bit at the contact, but then her gaze returned to mine. It still amazed me that I could give her this reaction.

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