Glass gets shattered over and over
The screams have gotten louder
I can't hear
I begin to sink to the floor
I wish it would stop, but it never does and it gets louder
The voices in my head tell me it's my fault
I can't take it and scream at them from the place I thought was once safe
They couldn't hear me over their shouts
I scream and scream till I can't anymore
I wish I could hear more than the ring in my ears
I cry and plead for help ,but no one notices me
My head is a war zone and people fill it with rage
I can't hear or speak
The noises mash into a blur of hell and I start to gasp
I can't breath
I scream for help
Since my screams don't leave my mouth even as I try to force them out , I know that no one will come
The words I was called bounce in my head
I can't see
Their hands are on me and it hurts
I can't do anything cause I'm weak
I'm always a target
It's all to much
The memories of my past consume me
I can't get out, I can't move
Than someone picks me up and holds me
It's getting easier to breath
I cling to them like my life depends on it
As they whisper sweet nothings to me the war in my head slowly comes to a stop
I start to hear and see again
I hear the one innocent voice in my head telling me I'm safe again
I begin to relax in their arms
Than I fall alseep in the comfort of the warm arms holding me
I won the war once again
Little nothings
Random*Maybe triggering * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Most likely won't be but some people get triggered by things easy so it's better to be safe than sorry ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Anyways read if you wanna ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡