Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

AN: Enjoy the chapter!

"Buttercup! Wake up damnit! Just fucking wake up!" Butch started to cry as Boomer pulled him away.

"No! This is my fault! I need to be there for her!" Boomer held his brother back.

"Butch stop! Brick and Blossom are in med school, they can actually do something for her!" Butch turned and hugged his brother.

"Boom, I don't wanna lose her again!" Boomer looked to the two leaders for an update.

"Fuck. She's not breathing. We need to get her a hospital asap." Brick picked up the unconscious girl and flew out of the bathroom at top speed. Bubbles flew in almost immediately after he left.

"Where is she?" Blossom looked up at Bubbles with tears in her eyes.

"Brick had to rush her to the hospital because she wasn't breathing." Bubbles gasped and started to cry and Butch moved away from Boomer to grab Buttercup's scarf and jacket.

"Is she going to be okay?" Boomer looked to Blossom for an answer.

"We were thinking alcohol poisoning. That doesn't mean she's going to die for sure, but it's definitely dangerous. Butch, we'll wait at the hospital, you go make sure Rika is doing okay. We'll text you updates." Butch clenched his jaw, but knew he had to be with his daughter.

Brick flew into the hospital with the unnaturally pale girl in his arms, her normally pink lips turning a frightening shade of blue.

"Someone please help her! She's going to die!" That was all it took for doctors to drop everything they were doing and rush her to the back. One doctor stayed with Brick to get some information.

"Hello sir, what happened with her?" He explained the situation without hesitation.

"I'm in med school and my brother found her in a bar. She definitely drank too much because when I got there, she was throwing up in the toilet, blacked out, and she wasn't breathing. Based on that I think she has alcohol poisoning. Please make sure she's okay... she has a daughter waiting for her to come home." The doctor's gaze darkened at the mention of a child.

"Yes sir. I'll get this to them and we'll do everything we can to save her." He rushed into the back with the clipboard and all Brick could do was wait for an update. Blossom, Bubbles, and Boomer flew into the hospital.

"Brick, how is she? Have you gotten any updates?" He looked up with a blank look on his face.

"She's alive, but that's all I know." The three nodded and sat silently with Brick.

Butch arrived at the Utonium household and saw his daughter crying on the couch, her grandpa holding her tight with a concerned look on his face.

"Butch, please tell me she's going to be okay." He sent the professor a sad look.

"She's in the hospital. Blossom said she had alcohol poisoning. I guess she took a bunch of shots hoping it would help her forget and took too many." The professor looked down and hugged the four year old close to him.

"I just got her back... I thought she was dead for so long." Rika looked up from the professor's chest and wiped her face.

"Grandpa. What did my mom look like when she was younger? Everyone keeps saying I look just like her." The middle aged professor smiled at the little girl.

"You do. The only thing different is that she had shorter hair and she had freckles." He pulled out his phone and showed her a picture from when she was younger. It was almost like she was looking into a mirror. She really did look just like her mom.

"What was she like back then?" The professor smiled at the memory of his middle daughter.

"She was the toughest little girl I ever knew. She has superpowers like her sisters, but she was always the strongest. She was scared of nothing and often came off as kind of cocky. She was also one of the funniest people ever. She was a bit of an instigator and had a bit of a temper, but she was really good at heart. I guess when she found out she was having you she was scared we would be mad at her since she was so young and ran away. She's pretty smart you know. She even faked her death so we wouldn't come looking for her. I still don't know how she did that, but I feel bad that she ever felt like we wouldn't accept her. Don't think for a second she regrets having you though. I know her well and I know for a fact, she's more proud of you than any one of her major accomplishments." Rika looked down at her feet.

"Do you think she'll forgive me for all the mean stuff I said to her?" The professor stood up while still holding the girl.

"I know she will. I actually have something of hers that you might want." She smiled at the sight of a soft green blanket.

"What was this for?" She couldn't imagine her tough as nails mom needing a soft blanket.

"It was your mom's good luck charm. She always had to touch it before a fight. Hold onto it for her." The professor brought her back to the couch and they sat down, Rika hugging the blanket like a lifeline. Rika then looked to Butch.

"Dad. Do you love mommy like other kids' daddy's love their mommy's?" Butch froze at the question. Of course he loved Buttercup... but she didn't even tell him about his own kid!

"I... I'm upset with her right now, but I think I do. I think I always have." Before Rika could respond, his phone vibrated. He immediately looked at the message from Brick.

'She's stable, but still really sick. They said she can leave tomorrow'

A huge smile spread on his face as he relayed the news to the other two in the room.

"She's going to be okay! She's coming home tomorrow!" Rika hugged the blanket and kissed it multiple times.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" The professor hugged the girl close and allowed a few tears of relief.

Brick was hugging Blossom in relief that her sister would be okay. They broke apart however at the sound of sirens and guns cocking.

"We're here for agent X. Where is she?"

AN: Why do they want agent X? What's going on? What's going to happen now? Stay tuned!

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