Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
AN: Enjoy the chapter!

It was Rika's birthday, January 28th. The Utonium's and Jojo's all decided to spend the day with the little five year old.
"Rika, wake up! Baby we're going out for your birthday today." Butch gently shook his daughter awake and kissed her on the forehead when she opened her eyes.
"Happy Birthday baby! Where do you wanna go today?" The little girl shot up and wrapped her arms around her dad's neck in a hug.
"Thank you Daddy! I wanna go ice skating!" The green ruff smiled at his daughter and kissed her on the cheek.
"Okay we can do that, but where do you wanna go for breakfast?" She smiled big and jumped up and down on her bed.
"My mom always brings me to diners for breakfast on my birthday! They always have really good pancakes." Butch smiled at her and turned around.
"Get ready and we can go." The little girl nodded rapidly and ran straight to the bathroom to get ready.
Butch walked downstairs and looked to the rest of the family.
"So it seems like we're going to a diner and then ice skating." Bubbles squealed happily and Blossom smiled.
"We love ice skating!" Bubbles shouted and Blossom was quick to add on.
"Also, we can go to the diner that Robyn works at." The three boys nodded and they all got ready to leave.
The second the birthday girl came down, everyone showered her with birthday wishes, but she couldn't help but realize her mother wasn't there.
"Mommy didn't come?" The family went quiet and looked away.
"I'm sure she'll turn up some time today..." Bubbles uncertainly tried to reassure her niece.
"Don't even worry about your mom. It's her loss, not yours." Butch coldly stated to his obviously upset daughter. He picked up the girl and ignored the glare he got from Blossom.
"Come on guys, let's go get breakfast." Boomer broke the awkward silence and everyone piled into the Professor's station wagon.

Buttercup was speeding down every highway in her new sports car, weaving in and out of everyone who was going too slow for her preference. She didn't slow down at any yellow light, she sped through every one of them. She looked to the side to see Coco fast asleep in her fluffy dog bed, completely undisturbed.
"Rika is going to love her." The driver smiled to herself and continued to cut time off of her trip, hoping to get to Townsville before sunset.

Rika ran ahead of her family and into the diner, not looking where she was going. The little girl ran straight into a blue eyed brunette.
"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry!" Rika looked up to the waitress in fear of being thrown out, but was confused when the woman smiled at her.
"Is your name Rika?" The little girl flinched and nodded her head slowly.
"Yeah, how did you know my name?" The young waitress stopped down to face the girl with a huge smile on her face.
"I'm friends with your mom! She came in here last week and only had the best things to say about you! You really do look just like her. Did she bring you here?" The small child looked down with a sad look.
"No, she went back to Virginia. I'm here with daddy and the rest of my family for my birthday." At that exact moment, the aforementioned family walked in and smiled at the familiar woman.
"Hey Robyn! This is Buttercup's daughter!" Bubbles all but squealed to her good friend.
"Speaking of her, where is your sister? Shouldn't she be here for her daughter's birthday?" The blonde's jaw clenched and she looked down.
"We don't know where she is, but I know for a fact that she's going to be here by the end of the day." Butch kept a cold look on his face.
"Think what you want, but I'm getting Rika a new mom for her birthday." Everyone in the room frowned at the young father's attitude.

Buttercup passed the 'You Are Now Entering California' sign and a huge smile crossed her face.
"We're almost there Coco! Only a few more hours and you get to meet Rika!" The small puppy barked almost as if it was as excited as the woman driving the car. The sun was already starting to go down, which only fueled the green eyed woman's determination further.

Rika was ice skating flawlessly, which surprised everyone.
"Where did you learn to skate so good?" Bubbles finally caught up to the little girl.
"Mommy taught me. She's better than I am!" Bubbles looked over at Butch to see him flirting with a skinny brunette. The blonde scowled at the fact that the two were obviously hitting it off.
"So what did you want for your birthday?" Bubbles turned her attention back towards the birthday girl.
"I wanted a puppy... My mommy said she'd get me one for my fifth birthday, but she isn't here. Besides that, I already got what I wanted." The girl smiled at her aunt and skated off the rink. "We should go home, it's getting late and it's really cold. Also, I'm hungry." Bubbles helped the girl get her skates off and picked her up.
"Okay sweetheart, we just need to get everyone else." The blonde puff walked to the edge of the rink and called to the rest of the group.
"Blossom, Brick, Mom, Dad, Butch! We're leaving for dinner!" Everyone skated over, including Butch's newest girl.
"Hey guys, this is Vanessa. She wants to come with to meet Rika." The brunette caught sight of the little girl and gasped.
"Wow! She's gorgeous Butch!" The woman kneeled down to make eye contact with the little girl. "Hi I'm Vanessa. You must be Rika." The green eyed child allowed a small smile. This girl wasn't that bad.
"Yes, nice to meet you Vanessa." The woman looked at the girl with pale green eyes.
"So what do you want for your birthday?" Rika looked around at her family and then back to the woman.
"I want a mommy that's always gonna be here." Vanessa looked to Butch.
"Well I haven't know your daddy for that long, but if he keeps me around I'd be more than happy to be your mommy." Bubbles and Blossom glared at the woman, but brushed it off for Rika's sake.

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