Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
AN: Time to find out what's happening with agent X/Buttercup! So sorry for the wait, Enjoy!
Blossom, Bubbles, Brick, Boomer, Butch, the professor, Mrs. Utonium, and Rika sat around the coffee table in the living room as they thought of how they could possibly help Buttercup.
"Let's visit the local prison. Townsville has the highest security jail in the country. They have to have her in there!" Blossom was the only one to even come up with a plan.
"They have new power confinement cells and everything! We have high authority over this jail, they're sure to let us in." The group nodded in agreement and Brick pitched in on the idea.
"Butch, you go. The CIA guy will recognize us if he's there, but he never saw you. You can ask to see the newest prisoner and they're sure to let you visit her." Buttercup's counterpart nodded in agreement.
"I'll go. I'll let you guys know if something fishy is going on." Butch turned to walk out, but stopped at the sound of his daughter's voice.
"Daddy, be careful. I love you..." He turned back and picked up his daughter to kiss her cheek.
"Don't worry baby, I'll be back before you know it." He put her down and flew out of the house. It wasn't long before he was at the jail and he wasted no time entering the building.
"Hey, I'm Butch Jojo and I have a few questions for one of the new prisoners." The officer at the desk nodded rapidly.
"Oh of course you can go back Butch. See any prisoner you please!" The guard handed Butch his keys, but he was only looking for one prisoner.
"Sorry, but could you direct me to agent X? I just need to ask a few questions." The guard looked hesitant, but grabbed another key from behind the desk, motioning for Butch to follow him.
"Nobody is supposed to be allowed to visit her, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind one of the city's saviors visiting." The officer gave Butch the key and left him at a high security door. The black haired man unlocked the door and put in the jail security password that all of them knew. The door slid open to reveal a bruised and burnt Buttercup.
Butch gasped at her physical state that wasn't nearly this bad when he last saw her. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture and put it on audio record before putting it back in his pocket.
"Agent X." Buttercup's head snapped up, a furious look in her eyes that made her counterpart flinch.
"Who the fuck are you? Show yourself asshole!" Butch felt his chest clench at her tone of voice.
"Calm down, I'm not here to hurt you." Butch turned on the lights to reveal himself to her. He was confused at the panic that settled on her face.
"Butch, you need to get the fuck outta here! If he finds out you were talking to me he's gonna kill you! Please, I'm doomed, but Rika doesn't want to stay with me anyways. Please Butch, I need you to stay safe for her." Butch shook his head in disagreement.
"You're wrong, but we don't have time to talk about this right now. What's the deal with all this traitor, murderer shit?" Her eyes widened and she looked horrified and desperate.
"Butch you gotta believe me, it was all him! He assigned me the mission and I did it, but while I was gone he killed my partner and is trying to make me look like a traitor because I was onto him. He's the head of the nuclear base I invaded. He had me steal the codes because they're trying to make a nuclear weapon to use against the country! He's trying to get rid of me because I'm the only other one who knows that he's part of a rising terrorist group. He's trying to play it out like I'm the traitor because he has misleading evidence against me! Once I'm gone he's gonna be in the clear! But you have to leave before he finds out you were here!" The two counterparts held eye contact. Butch finally spoke up.
"Buttercup, I'm gonna get you out of this. That's a promise." The woman held his eye contact.
"Butch I'm so sor- I didn't mean for everything to turn out like this..." He offered her a gentle smile.
"We can worry about all of that when we get you out of here." She smiled sadly to him and nodded. He reluctantly turned his back to her and walked out of her cell, hesitantly locking it behind him.
On his way out of the prison, he ran into a tall man with graying hair.
"I'm sorry sir, where are you going?" Butch asked the man, who glared at him.
"I'm going to check up on my prisoner. She committed quite the crime, you know." Butch glared violently at the man.
"Actually, there are some rumors saying that you committed quite the crime." The man let out a dark chuckle.
"So you talked to her. Don't think anyone is going to believe you though. You got your information from someone who everyone believes is a criminal mastermind." Butch glared angrily at the man.
"But she isn't and now I know that for a fact. The only thing is, you can't kill me and blame it on her like you did with her partner. There are a lot of people who know I'm here and there are plenty of cameras in that cell that show she never killed me. I may not have any real proof, but maybe I can get enough people to believe it to at least get her a fair trial." The older man glared at Butch evilly.
"I don't know what makes her so important to you, but I've made sure that she's as good as dead. I hope you said your goodbyes to her because you really can't do anything about this." Butch held his ground and started to walk away.
"Ha, that's what you think. I have more power in this city than you would expect." The green ruff flew back to the front desk.
"I want Agent X to have a fair trial. I don't care what the CIA boss says because I want him to be tried for being a traitor to the country and the murder of Agent X's partner." The guard looked at Butch in shock, but submitted the request to the court house.
"I also want him contained until his hearing. I have evidence against him." Butch played the audio recording and the officer mumbled something into his walkie.
Shouts of protest came from down the hall and the CIA boss was dragged into a cell.
"What is the meaning of this? I'm the good guy!" He caught Butch's glare and screamed at him.
"What is that little slut to you anyways? Why do you care so much about what happens to her?" Butch's glare hardened.
"She's the mother of my child. And don't call her a fucking slut! I have all the evidence I need to get you killed." The older man snarled at him as he started to walk away.
"You think your little girlfriend is safe? I have a video that shows what she's capable of. No matter what the reason I have a video of her killing over fourteen people mercilessly. She's a killer and that's how everyone else is going to see it." Butch tried to ignore him, but he couldn't shake the fear that they would still want Buttercup dead. He flew back to the house and took a deep breath before entering.
The second he walked through the door, everyone piled on the questions.
"How is she?"
"Is she gonna be okay?"
"What's the deal?"
"What's happening?"
"When is everything happening?"
"Is mommy coming home?"
Butch glared at them, silently telling them to be quiet.
"Okay. I managed to get the CIA boss arrested on account of being a traitor to his country and the murder of Buttercup's partner, but he said she's still going to be charged with fourteen murders because of the video." Blossom was quick to come to her sister's defense as always.
"If the CIA boss is found guilty, then that would mean that they would know all those people were part of a nuclear terrorist group. He's just trying to get in your head!" Butch looked down.
"It's not that easy, Buttercup's trial is the day before her boss's." Brick was next to speak up.
"He's going to be in prison during her trial. He's not going to have any way to even show that video." Butch's grim look softened a little and Bubbles was the next to speak up.
"Now that he's out of the way, can we visit her?" Butch cringed and looked at the picture he got of her.
"I don't know if you're going to want to... She wasn't looking too good when I was there and that's before her boss went to visit her again." Rika latched onto the professor and started to cry.
"This is my fault for yelling at her! She wouldn't be in this situation if I had never been so mean to her..." Butch looked sadly at his daughter and thought about how her mother was holding up at the moment.
"On second thought, maybe we should pay her a visit. Rika, I want you to stay here though. Your mom wouldn't want you to see her like this." The young girl nodded sadly and stayed with her grandfather. Everyone else went with Butch to visit Buttercup.
Upon entering the prison, they were immediately escorted back to Buttercup's cell.
Butch took the key and stuck it in the door and entered the passcode. For the second time that day, he watched the doors slide open and wanted to cry at how much worse she looked than earlier. She now had bruises on both sides of her face and multiple electrical burns on her arms. A thin stream of blood came from the corner of her mouth, but she still looked up as defiant as ever.
"Who's there? I can tell someone came in, so turn on the light or something." Bubbles turned on the light and Buttercup could see all their concerned glances.
"Oh, hey guys. I'm guessing Butch told you everything." Surprisingly, Brick was the first to speak up.
"Buttercup, what the hell did they do to you?" An angry glare appeared on her face.
"That motherfucker hit me and shocked me because I spat on him! Who the fuck decided to put me in a fucking shock chair anyways?" Blossom cringed at her sister's word choice. She had almost forgotten about her colorful language over the years.
"Well, they did have you on death row as a criminal mastermind." Boomer explained the situation to the fuming girl.
"You actually believe that bullshit? I didn't do anything wrong, I swear!" Everyone flinched at the anger behind her voice.
"Buttercup he didn't mean it like that. You don't have to yell at him!" Bubbles reprimanded her sister with a small glare. The imprisoned girl didn't hesitate to return it.
"He's justifying me being treated like an animal and you're siding with him! We're sisters Bubbles, you're supposed to take my side! You're supposed to have my back!" At this point, Blossom joined in the argument.
"You of all people want to talk about having someone's back? You faked your own death and ran away without leaving us a half decent explanation! We cried for you Buttercup! Did you even think about how we would feel? You just let us think you were dead for five years!" Buttercup's glare softened and she looked away from the group in front of her. Under her breath, she mumbled something incoherent.
"Speak up sister!" Blossom snarled at the young spy. She looked up with a look of guilt covering her face.
"I... I'm- I... I'm s-" The unnatural blonde gagged, earning a few concerned looks from the group in front of her.
"Are you-" Buttercup nodded, cutting Brick off.
"I'm sooooooooor- I didn't mean... I'm- Guys I'm sorry. I-I was sc-" She cut herself off to gag again.
"Scared. I was scared. I was scared the professor was going to disown me, that you guys would judge me, and that Butch would want nothing to do with me. The only thing I could think to do was to run away. I know it was the coward's way out, but I just didn't know what else I could do... I'm- I'm sorry. I was selfish, I was stupid, and... and I was wr-" She cut herself off with a light cough. "I was wr-wrooonnng." She quickly added the 'g' on the end with a grimace on her face.
Though the situation wasn't one to laugh about, the five visitors couldn't help but laugh at Buttercup's attempts to swallow her pride. The green eyed prisoner glared at the five people in front of her.
"I'm serious! I'm actually trying to fucking apologize, this isn't fucking funny!" Bubbles spoke up through her laughter.
"All these years and you still struggle to admit when you're wrong." The blue eyed sister continued with her laughter and Buttercup couldn't help but to allow a small amused smile.
"So anyways. Does anyone have any idea of what's happening to me?" Butch perked up as they got back on topic.
"You have a trial tomorrow and your boss is locked up. His trial is the day after yours." Her eyes widened.
"Tomorrow? I'm guessing that means I don't have a lawyer. That's okay though I've had plenty of time to plan out my argument." She trailed off as she talked to herself a little.
"Don't worry, we'll all be there. Is it okay to bring Rika?" Blossom reassured her sister. The girl in question clenched her jaw.
"Yeah, she hates missing out on stuff. Let her come. If they kill me she'd probably be happy to see me go anyways." She laughed bitterly and her visitors frowned to each other.
"We'll see you tomorrow, Buttercup. Take care." Bubbles whimpered out with one last glance at her sister.
"See you guys."
AN: Ooh, what's going to happen with the Boss locked up? Stay tuned!!

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