Baby Names and the Prince

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Katelyn's POV

"Princess?" The voice sounds far away as my eyelids fight to open. When they do blurry faces stare down at me. Light outlines their bodies and for a second I think I'm dead and I'm in heaven.

"What the-" I croak as I sit up in a very non princess-like way. I bury my head into my hands and then look up and see the familiar faces Italian royals.

"You fainted." Queen Nicoletta says, her voice as soft as I remember it to be.

I snort and see that my future husband raises his eyebrows at me. He's probably like thinking, "Wow they're making me marry this girl?"

"Well a good way to make a first impression." I reach out and pat the prince's leg. He scoots back and I roll my eyes, which I'm pretty sure everyone sees.

I look up at Nicoletta and see a kind smile on her face. "Don't worry dear, I'll assure you that it's not the first time we've meet."

That's right. I met them when I was little, my parents told me so, I don't remember. My mom once told me that we would visit all the time but then we stopped. The last time I remember coming was when I was about seven. I don't recognize or remember much because of my awful bad memory.

I nod and except the hand that is reached out for me. Leonardo kisses the back of my hand gently once I'm up probably only doing it because he has too. God! He might be... not into me but boy is he attractive. All I want to do is smash our two faces together and kiss him. I know, I have a very wild imagination.

"Hello," he says. His voice deep and if I dare say, "So sexy." Shit.

"Excuse me?" his voice seems fade as he stares at me with a serious yet boring expression.

Can I scream right now, at least let me kick him to see if that frown disappears into at least a look of pain. Anything but that frown. "Please." I say, rolling my eyes and turn around to face the kind and queen and their daughter. I see the king and his wife trying to hide their smiles. They totally just heard what I said.

"Hi," I say looking at the little girl who I think is named Adriana.

"Hello," her little voice chirps. "Are you going to be my new sister, Leo says he has to marry a girl, are you that girl?"

"I am," I say crouching down to her level. She must be about five or six.

She squeals and jumps on me, wrapping her little arms around me. I giggle and do the same. "Yay, let's go play. I want to show you all of my bambole." Dolls? I'm pretty sure she just she said dolls.

"O-okay." I look up not sure what I'm supposed to do now that I'm here.

"Mio caro, Katelyn must by tired, why don't we let her settle in and get comfortable." Nicoletta says and the little princess sighs. She doesn't let go of my hand though as she starts to swaying while using my arm as an anchor.

"Adriana," King Antonio scolds.

I giggle as I look down at the laughing girl. She is obviously a trouble maker. "It's fine," I say. "She's only playing around."

Nicoletta smiles at her daughter before looking back up at me. "She reminds us a lot of you, you know."

I smile not knowing what to say. "Always running around and making everyone laugh. I remember when you were four or five your parents and us would take hours trying to find you because you would disappear. Most of the time we would find you playing with toys or bothering Leo." Both Nicoletta and Antonio chuckle and I feel heat rush to my face.

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