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Katelyn's POV

I moan as Leo slides his lips down my neck. He starts to suck on the area where my shoulder and neck meet and I lurch towards him. We're laying on my bed and have been ravishing each other with our lips for the past forty-five minutes. It feels like heaven as he travels back up and our lips meet in another open mouth kiss. Our raged breaths fill the room and my insides coil together in lust.

"I love you," Leo breathes out as his lips travel down to my cleavage. I still haven't said 'I love you' to him and even though every day I fall harder and harder for him, I still haven't found that perfect moment to say it. It's been a week and a half since we got engaged and so far all we've done is a whole lot of kissing... pretty much. I can't help it though, he's like a magnet. We always sneak in kisses before breakfast, after breakfast, before lunch and after lunch, make out sessions before dinner and so on.

Leo comes back up and smashes his lips with mine. I tug on his hair and he groans, followed by a bite to my lower lip. I giggle and roll my hips with his. Another strangled groan comes out of him and, oh my God it's sexy.

His hand glides down to my knee and then crawls up my thigh, under my dress. My body is shaking with desire and he isn't even doing anything. His lips are still on mine but I my brain is only focusing on his hand as it skims the fabric of my underwear. He presses a finger against me and I arch my back. He does it harder and a scream leaves my lips but it's muffled by his own.

"Leo," I whimper. I want it so badly, but I want him to stop at the same time.


"C-can we-"

"You want to stop." I nod my head and his hand comes out from under my dress and rests on my hip.

"I'm sorry, I just don't feel ready," I say while my breath comes out in pants.

"That's okay, darling. I would wait forever for you."

"Leo?" I say, blushing and avoiding his eyes. I'm going to tell him I love him. I want to.

"Yeah?" His lips kiss my cheek and then travel up to my temple.

"I-" There's a knock at the door. Are you kidding me right now. I was about to tell him. Leo falls next to me just as the idiot guard walks in. I hate you, I think.

"I'm sorry to interrupt." Sure you're sorry. "Some guards told me you were here, your highness."

Leo nods and the guard continues. "Her Majesty sent me to inform you both that you are needed in the ball room to plan for the wedding."

"We'll be there soon," Leo says before turning back to me. He starts kissing me again and the guard hasn't even left yet. Really, Leo? I hear the door close and Leo pulls away and studies me.

"What were you saying."

Should I say it now, or wait until later. Wait until later, we have to leave anyways. "Oh umm, I'll tell you later."

"Okay," he whispers, his hand caresses my cheek. I snuggle in closer to him and look up to meet his lips once again. It's slow this time and I reach up to cup his cheek. His arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer. He delights me with little kisses to my lips and I feel so safe and relaxed that it's magical. The minutes go by and our slow rhythm becomes torture, but I can't do anything because his hands are gripping mine above my head and his lips are still moving in the same annoying tempo.

"God Leo, your driving me crazy," I moan and I hear him chuckle against me.

There's another knock on the door and we hear the same guard talk. "La sua maestà sta diventando più sconvolta."

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