Visits and Birthdays

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Amanda's POV

"Amanda, look," my mom says. Her eyes are wide and she's staring down at the piece of paper in her hands.

I'm currently stuffing buttered cornbread into my mouth so my response comes out a bit muffled.

"Look." I stare at her before I try to get myself up from the comfy chair. I groan as I finally stand and feel a pain shoot through my back. "What," I say as I look over her shoulder.

"It's a check," she says as she hands it to me. I take it, not really sure where she's going with this.

"So," I say as I look over the check. It's for my family and it says that Amanda Boone has received this money for spending her hours at the palace. I look up and give my mom a shrug.

"Amanda, honey. Read carefully." I furrow my eyebrows and look down again, despite the fact that I don't care. I just want to get back to my cornbread right now. She points to the money at the bottom and I notice that it's practically triple the normal amount I receive. That's when it dawns on me.

"Wait," I say and look closely at the paper. "This doesn't even make any sense. This is dated for last week's paycheck which should have come if I were still working at the palace. I'm not working there anymore. And why are you getting so much money. You guys never got this much when I worked there before." It's been two and half weeks since I returned home so I shouldn't be receiving money because I already did, two weeks ago and because I don't work there anymore.

"I should call the palace," my mom says.

"Who would you talk to. The king and queen sort this stuff out."

"I could talk to them," she says and I shake my head.

"Okay, sure," I say sarcastically.

My mom smiles at me and tilts her head. "Look at you getting all sassy."

I giggle and sit back down on the chair and continue eating. I don't get why they would send money to my family if I no longer work for the royal family. Unless Jeremy did it. But for him to do that he would have had to tell his parents that the baby was his and that he wanted to send me money. Did he tell his parents?

I rub my head as a headache starts to form. Just then I hear a knock at our front door and practically cry out loud when I realize I have to stand again. "Mom," I call out, not wanting to move. There is no response. I huff as I stand and then I wobble towards the door. Opening it just a crack, I'm surprised to see Dr. Ashlar standing at the door with his briefcase in his hand.

"D-Dr. Ashlar." He smiles at me and bows his head. "I was sent by Prince Jeremiah to check on the baby. He wanted you to get proper care and knowing that you weren't living in the palace, he gave me directions to your house."

"Wait, s-so-"

"I know, if that's what you're asking. Jeremiah told me everything."

"I see," I say as I look down.

"I won't say anything but I do advise you two to come to a decision for all of this. The selection will probably be coming to an end soon and this little girl of yours is expected in two months."

"Yes. I agree," I say and I rub my stomach as I think everything through. "How does Jeremy even know where I live."

"He got someone to look it up I suppose. I'm sure you already know that the royal family has information on everyone in Illea."

"That's a creepy thought."

He shrugs and I sigh. After a moment of silence, I let him in.

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