All is Fair in Love and War

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Katelyn's POV

The funeral was grim, and the weather matched the mood everyone felt during the burial. As we make our way back to the castle I started to hear the pitter-patter of the rain on the limo's windows. Adriana perks up at this and gets closer to the window.

"Daddy always loved the rain," she whispers, but it still manages to cut through the silence in the car.

"That's right, my love," Nicoletta says softy, stroking her daughter's back.

I look over at Leo who is slumped in his seat, looking miserable. He must notice me staring because he looks up and his stare sends shivers down my spine. It's as if his eyes are staring into my soul. I can see the pain in his gorgeous eyes. His gaze doesn't waver and he continues to look at me as if searching for something. Eventually, I reach for him and he slowly gets closer until he lets his head sag and rest on my shoulder. His arms snake around my waist and we stay like that for the entire ride.

"Can you read to me, Leo," Adriana asks kindly when we walk into the grand foyer. Leo looks down at his sister and shakes his head.

"Not now, principessa. How about you ask Lia to read to you; I'll do it later." Before I can offer to read to her Leo grabs my hand and pushes me towards a set of doors. I glance at the little girl and see the unhappy look that takes over her features, but it doesn't seem like I can do anything to help.

I give Leo a look when we get to his room, but he shakes his head as he crawls onto his bed, looking like a little boy. "I wanted to be with you alone, I can't face anyone right now, and I can't read to my sister," he whispers, putting his arm over his head.

"It's okay," I say, laying down next to him. "I understand."

He looks at me and leans into nuzzle my neck. He hugs me and I just hold him, afraid to say or do something wrong. When I hear his soft sobs my heart breaks. I can't bare to see him like this, I can't even begin to imagine what Nicoletta must be feeling. She has no one to hug in this way. How would I react if Leo died; I would no longer be able to talk to him, kiss him, hug him... ever.

"Leo," I say, my voice thick with tears that want to fall. I hush him when another sob ripples through him. "Oh, my love," I whisper and lift his head up. His red eyes search mine, as if pleading for something. I kiss his forehead and then his cheeks, his soft eyes and finally his lips. "I hate seeing you like this."

"I wish you didn't have to see me like this," he says, looking at me, tracing my entire face with his eyes.

"It's okay. I'm here for you, the good and the bad, remember?"

He nods and snuggles into me again. He starts kissing my neck and his hands soon find other places to touch. I don't know how but we end up under the covers, naked. He holds me like he's never held me before. He kisses me hungrily and we spend the entire afternoon tangled up in each others arms.

Amanda's POV

"You make such a wonderful bride," Queen America says as she finishes placing the princess crown on my head. It had been a few months since we had announced our engagement and Evangeline's existence to the public and since then my relationship with the royal family has developed. And yet, it still feels weird to be so close to the queen of Illea.

"Thank you," I whisper noticing that my hands are still sweating and that my heart hasn't stopped beating frantically.

"It's okay to be nervous, you know," she says looking at me through the mirror. "I was a wreck on my wedding day. I almost fell as I walked down the aisle."

As I giggle, she helps me down the step of the block of wood I have been standing on. This is it, the wedding I had been waiting for. The wedding I had never even dreamed of. I am marrying the prince of Ilea, I am going to be queen one day. That thought alone blows we away.

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