Chapter 3

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Warning: there is smut

Ariana's p.o.v.

By the time we entered our room most of our clothes were already off. Ricky pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me. He started moving down my neck and stopped at my panty line, he looked up at me and smirked. What is this boy doing to me? He bit down on my panties and slid them off. He started kissing back up and finally place a kiss on my lips. He picked me up and carried me to the bed carefully laying me down with him hovering over me.

Ricky- I love you so fucking much

He slammed his lips onto mine and I could feel him taking his boxers off. He started teasing me, placing little kisses on my neck and down to my breasts. I started breathing harder.

Ariana- Ricky.... please

The moment he entered my body I forgot everything. Every person who had hurt me before, every person I thought I was in love with, it was just me and Ricky. He moved in and out of me slowly as we looked into each other's eyes. I wrap my arms around his back as he starts to go faster. My breathing was picking up and I let my nails drag down Ricky's back. He started moaning in pleasure which sent vibrations through my whole body. He started kissing the sweet spot on my neck and I couldn't hold it in anymore.

Ariana- Ricky.... I'm.... going... to cum

He looked in my eyes and whispered "cum for me baby" and the only noise after that was the sound of me screaming Ricky's name and his grunts. I felt him cum inside me and then he fell over beside me.

Ricky- I love you

Ariana- I love you too. I think I just fell in love with you all over again.

He took a deep breath in and let it out. I sat up in the bed so I could look at him. He put one of his hands behind his head and I took the other in my hand.

Ariana- we have been married for over a year now and have a baby with another one on the way and I think this is the most that I've ever been in love with you before

Ricky- it's easy to forget how much you love someone when you get caught up in life. You stop noticing the little things that the other person does. Marriage and kids change a lot but it will never change how much I love you moonlight. I could marry you 10 more times and have 10 more kids and I would still love you the same or more.

Ariana- Ricky! You're going to make me cry

I took his hand and covered my face. He moved it away and sat up in the bed.

Ricky- you always do that. That's something that I will always notice. You always cover your face when you get embarrassed. I think it's cute

Ariana- you're the cutest husband ever and I'm very lucky to have you

He goes in for a kiss and I barely let him touch my lips before I pull away and smile. He smirks at me and I get out of bed. I start to walk into the bathroom but turn around in the doorway and he bites his bottom lip.

Ariana- are you coming

His smile grows wide and he hops out of bed and walks over to me. He grabs my hips and slams his lips against mine. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance and I open my mouth. Our tongues fight for dominance and he wins. He picks me up and carries me to the shower not letting our kiss go. He turns the water on and he steps inside. He pushes me against the wall as the water starts sliding down our bodies. He finally pulls away from the kiss and lets me breath. He kisses my neck and I turn my head to the side giving him more room. As he's kissing my neck he slowly enters me again. This time was a little more powerful and I let out a loud moan.

Ariana- ahhh yes Ricky!

He continues at the pace he is at and I start kissing on his shoulders and neck. He moans and starts to go a little faster. I can feel my climax coming.

Ariana- harder Ricky

He starts to go harder when he throws his head back and moans.

Ricky- I need you to cum for me. Mmmhh Ariana please

Hearing him moan in pleasure sent me over the edge. We both started calling each others names out and we both reached our climaxes. He started slowing back down as he tried to catch his breath. He slid me down his body and I could hardly stand. We both stand there letting the water hit us. After standing there awhile in complete silence, we both wash off and get out. We dry off and get into clean clothes when I hear my phone ding.

Ricky- who is that?

Ariana- it's Frankie. He's on his way

Ricky walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.

Ricky- today was amazing

Ariana- yes it was.

We walk downstairs together and sit on the couch. I hear Frankie come in and I get up to meet him at the door.

Ariana- how has my baby been? Mommy has missed you so much!

Frankie- well at first I thought you were talking to me but whatever I'm fine too

Ariana- aww Frankie! I missed you too

I look over at him and pinch his cheeks. He rolls his eyes at me and sits the car seat down. I start to unbuckle her when she looked up at me and smiled.

Ariana- aww there's that precious smile that I love! You want to go see daddy?

I get her out of the seat and take her over to Ricky. He reaches out for her and sits her on his lap and I sit next to him.

Ricky- I have my two favorite girls right here. I'm the happiest guy in the world

Frankie took a picture of us without us knowing and sent it to my phone. I looked at the picture and it was adorable. I posted the picture on instagram and captioned it with "my happy place" and it really is. This was my new happy place, I didn't want to be anywhere else. The rest of the night was filled with laughs as Frankie stayed for awhile then he left and it was just us 3. I looked at the time and realized that it was actually pretty late.

Ariana- babe it's 11:00, I think we should put her to bed and get some sleep

Ricky- I didn't know it was that late. Do you want to take her up while I shut everything off?

Ariana- yeah

I take her from his arms and he gives me a kiss and then Wilder a kiss. I take her upstairs to her room and lay her in her crib. I turn the lights off then turned on her light projector that had the moon and the stars that twirled around on the ceiling. She looked up at them and it didn't take her long to fall asleep. I walk out of her room and into ours where I find Ricky already in the bed. I take my clothes off and get into bed with him and he wraps his arms around me with one of his hands on my stomach. This was my perfect life.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I have had a lot going on. If there are any mistakes I will fix them later

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