Chapter 19

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Ariana's p.o.v

Ricky left hours ago and things with the kids have been going fine so far. I told Ricky that I would pack some things while he was gone so we could maybe get into the new house faster. I start packing some things from the kitchen since I didn't get to finish it the last time. We've started buying paper cups and plates so we didn't have to do the dishes every time we ate. I look at the time and i should probably start feeding the babies so I get out two bottles and set them on the counter. I get the breast milk and I realize that I have to stock up a lot more. I usually pump every two hours but I think I should start doing it every hour or else I might run out. Wilder comes into the kitchen crying and then it hits me that it's time for her to eat too. I decide to make her some pasta so I put water in a pot and put it on the stove. I walk into the living room and stop by the babies. Why did I come in here? I feel like I'm losing my mind, I feel like I came in here to do something but I can't remember. While I was standing there Wilder came up to me and started crying again, when she gets hungry it's like the whole world is ending. The twins started crying which made me remember what I was going to do, put the bottles in the warmers. Maybe that wasn't it because why would I go into the living room for that? Okay now I'm truly going crazy, forgetting things and talking to myself, not just talking to myself but talking to myself about how crazy I am. Wilder followed me into the kitchen still crying then fell and hit her face on the floor because she was wearing socks. She can never run into the kitchen with socks on or else she'll fall. I pick her up and walk over to the counter while she continues screaming. I carefully pour breast milk into each of the bottles and put them into the warmer. The twins are now screaming in the other room and Wilder is screaming in my ear. I go to check and see if the water is boiling for the pasta yet when I notice that I didn't even turn the stove on. Just fucking great. I turned it on and walked into the living room. I'm trying to calm all of them down which I can't because they're hungry and I don't have anything to make it better yet so all 3 girls are screaming. I put Wilder into her playpen and walk into the kitchen. I pull the bottles out of the warmers and they're too hot. Can I do anything right today I mean come on. I sit down at the kitchen table and put my face in my hands.


I heard someone shut the front door and I stand up to walk into the living room to see who it is. I see Mac standing there taking in the scene.

Mac- are you okay?

Ariana- ummm yeah.... yeah I will be

I walk in and get the bottles that feels like they have cooled down enough. I take them to the babies and just put a pillow under their heads to prop them up and then a blanket over their chest so it will hold the bottle in place. I walk back into the kitchen for the 10th time in 5 minutes and put the pasta into the now boiling water. I hear the crying stop from Wilder and Mac comes in holding her.

Mac- I hope this is okay

Ariana- yeah that's fine. I'm sorry that you had to see all of that

Mac- no its my fault. I shouldn't have come over without calling first

Ariana- you can put her in the high chair right there. Is there a reason that you came over?

I watched him as he carefully put her into the high chair and continued to talk to her afterwards. It was a little weird to see him interact with a kid but in a cute way.

Mac- no not really. I've been seeing the moving trucks coming in and out from over here and I thought I could ask if you needed any help packing or something

Ariana- oh yeah. I'm not sure when we're going to be moving but I hope it's soon. I just want to be done with the packing part. Honestly I don't even know what I'm suppose to pack because what if I pack something and I end up needing it, then I have to go through every box trying to find it

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