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Title: Ruyi

Author: harui30

Source: Wattpad (original)

Source: Wattpad (original)

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How can you lose something you never have?

When your own mother poisons you to gain pity from others, how should you feel?

Why was I, the youngest, being married off?

How could I care about something that was never mine?

WARNING! Viewer discretion advised: Story contains adult content that is unsuitable for children.

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There are over a hundred chapters in this book, and I flew right through them. The story was sweet and tugged at my emotions. The author didn't put any unnecessary words that the readers might skim over. She was right to the point, and I absorbed every word.

The MC is kind of different from all the other ones I've read so far. She's not revenge-driven or a ball of sunshine. She's...calm. Quiet. Reserved. Innocent. Pure. And to be honest, I'm actually finding such traits appealing right now because they are fresh compared to anything else I've read or recommended so far.

Although she's pure herself, the story and the people around her aren't. The Male Lead almost starts off as kind of abusive to her in the beginning but it quickly changes in the first dozen chapters. He begins to care for her and treasure her. They have such sweet moments. And be warned, there are many chapters that are too mature for younger readers. And I mean bedroom stuff, not violence or cursing.

The only thing I'm a little hesitant on is that the Male Lead is sometimes too possessive of her and almost controlling to the point that their relationship is a little unhealthy. But know what? The MC is not some normal girl that's trying to look for her ideal relationship. Nor is the Male Leas himself a normal guy. Their relationship isn't perfect, but they actually do have some compatibility and fit each other's personality nicely.

As long as the readers themselves are aware that not everything the main couple does is healthy or what they should model their own love life on (if they do at all, and there's nothing terrible about that), I'm all for this book.

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