Chapter One

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Most of his dreams consisted of the same two faces. A beautiful tanned young girl with slightly wavy blonde hair and bright green eyes; and a giggling young boy with dark skin, chocolate brown locks and the same sparkling eyes as the girl. They reached out to him and called his name with smiles on their faces. He would run towards them, arms stretched out, his grin would falter as the girl would disappear from his sights but the boy would continue smiling and holding out his arms.

"Daddy!" He would call; the smile never once faltering from his face, even though the dream would never last long enough for him to feel his father's arms wrap around him. Lance pumped his arms frantically trying to sprint with all his might to the boy. He wanted to reassure him, kiss his forehead and tell him that he would be back soon. That he wasn't going to disappear like his mommy. He could feel tears streaking down his face when the boy appeared to be getting farther and farther from his reach.

"Leo!" He yelled reaching forward trying in vain to grab his small arm in his hand and pull him closer.

"Don't worry!" He cried. "Daddy will make it back to you, I promise!" As young as he was, he understood and nodded his head as he vanished in the distance. Lance stopped running and put his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. He let out a small choke when he heard a cry in the distance.

"I love you, Daddy," the small voice came from the same direction. He looked painfully towards the voice.

"I love you too chiquito," he whispered as the world faded to white around him.

Lance's eyes blinked open and he stared at the ceiling above him. His thoughts drifted to the image of the blonde girl and he pushed his palms into his eyes. He let out a slow breath and sat up. His hand clenched his robe above his heart as he bit his lip, trying to drown out the pain in his chest. His eyes squeezed shut and a single tear slipped down the side of his nose before he quickly wiped it away and stood up.

"You have to stay strong for Leo," he whispered to himself, slipping his robe down his shoulders and picking up his baseball shirt. As he got ready, he remembered all the mornings he spent helping Leo get ready for school before he left for the Garrison. He felt terrible leaving his son for school; especially after losing his mother in a car accident, but he knew that in the long run, it would work out for the best. They wouldn't have to worry about money and Leo would get the best care and education Lance could ever ask for. That is until they were shot out into space; now Lance constantly worried about his little boy, sure he was with his grandparents but he didn't want Leo to grow up without a father and one that seemed to abandon him at that. He just needed to help with the fight against Zarkon and then they would be brought back to Earth and he could reunite with his son. He pulled on his jacket and started heading down the hall to the kitchen. When he entered he grabbed a bowl and filled it before sitting down at the empty table. Shortly after the rest of the paladins filed in, each of them giving him a smile and a nod which he returned.

"Whats on the schedule for today Princess?" He asked when she sat down in her seat.

"The Blade of Marmora believes they know where some important intel can be found," she replied. "After we eat, we will meet on the bridge for a conference with Kolivan," they all nodded in response and concentrated back on their meals.

"Would this intel help in bringing down the Empire?" He asked. She looked up from her food in confusion.

"I suppose it would, I don't believe they would ask for our assistance if it did have something to do with Zarkon," she affirmed. "Why are you so interested Lance? You aren't usually worried about the significance of the mission," she pointed out. Lance shrugged his shoulders and stirred the goo in his bowl.

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