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"mommy will be right there beth, just hang on!" i call from the kitchen and hopefully my voice will carry out to the driveway. i quickly cut up an apple, throwing it in a ziploc bag and shoving it in the duffel bag full of snacks, first aid, and other things to entertain the kids.

"gonna be late! mr. dolan doesn't like that." bethany drones on to me as i get in the car, slamming my door shut. i put the bag in the seat next to me, peering in the back to make sure the kids are buckled up and are in their correct car seats.

i've had a habit of switching it up by mistake lately.

"you've talked an awful lot about this mister dolan, huh?" i point out to my oldest daughter while backing out of the driveway.

"well yeah, he's awesome." she mutters, looking to the floor.

"is that so?" i tease with a smirk on my face. when i look at her in the rear view mirror, her cheeks have gone red.

"you have a crush!" suddenly, i bust out in laughter. that's a no no in the mommy rulebook. but i just can't help myself.

"do not!" bethany's face is now on fire.

"you're right, i'm sorry baby." but as we get out of the car at the field, i can help but try and stifle my laughter.

"you be safe out there, okay? play your hardest, and you can do anything you want to, baby girl and-"

"okay mommy, can i go now?" bethany becomes eager to get with the rest of her team. i nod, and with a kiss on her head, my little girls bounces off to go play t-ball. i get katherine and sebastian seated on the bleachers on either side of me, and since we're in the bottom row, i allow sebastian to sit in the sand, hoping that he doesn't get too dirty.

as i watch kids desperately run from base to base, throwing a plastic ball around, beth's coach looks my way and smiles. wait, did he actually smile or am i just hallucinating? i smile back, and when it's bethany's turn, he turns around, smiling down and encouraging her as she approaches home plate to try and hit the ball without striking out.

"go bethany!" i yell, and i'm the only voice in the stands. with katherine on my lap, i take her little arms in my hands, waving them to make it look as if she's cheering for her big sister. for the first time ever, my daughter hits the ball, actually hits it with the bat, and i am just beaming with pride as i watch her run to first base. sadly, she's called out, but when she gets back behind the fence, and she begins to cry, her coach takes a second to talk to her.

suddenly, she's smiling. no one has ever cheered up that fast but me. it's amazing.

when the game is over, i've got one kid on each hip, the duffle bag thrown over my shoulder, and i meet bethany at the edge of the fence.

"you did amazing, kiddo. i couldn't be more proud of you, baby." i give an encouraging smile, but she only looks to the ground, kicking sand around with her sneakers.

"can we just go?" she mutters.


"bethany? is this your mom?" a man asks my daughter, and when i look up, i realize that it's her t-ball coach. my daughter nods and he gives me a warm smile. he then puts his hand out for me to shake.

"i'm ethan. your daughter's coach." freeing my right hand from katherine's leg with my forearm still keeping her secure to me, i shake his hand slightly.

"i'm brook, it's great to meet you. beth talks about you all the time." i tease, and i see the playful glint in his eye before bethany looks at me angrily, and i make a 'o' with my mouth. ethan looks between us, and i can tell he wants to laugh.


"okay, okay. we're going. it was great to meet you ethan."

"i presume i'll see you at the next game?" he asks just as i'm ready to leave.

"for sure."

"would i be able to see you before then?"



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