Chapter 2. Alone

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Leia watched in despair as the bounty hunter, Boba Fett, fled Cloud City. And in his possession, Han Solo frozen in carbonite.

All seemed lost and Leia felt empty, frightened and alone. "I have to find Luke." She thought, just as blasterfire erupted behind them.

Stormtroopers shot at the small band of refugees as Chewbacca shot at the troopers, Lando Calrissian doing the same. They had to get back to the Falcon and get off Bespin.

Leia gritted her teeth as she took cover behind a crate and opened fire on the Stormtroopers. Thankfully, Leia, Lando and Chewbacca's aim was far more true than the Stormtroopers as they cleared a path and headed for Falcon, Artoo close behind.

Leia frowned though as they ran to the landing platform the Falcon was on, feeling as though something was off, that something was terribly wrong.

"Artoo, where's Luke?" Leia called, afraid for Luke's safety even as they avoided death by the Stormtroopers hands at every turn.

Artoo beeped and blared in distress as he rolled along as fast as his mechanical wheels could go.

"You lost him?" Leia exclaimed to which Artoo gave off another series of upset beeps and whistles.

Leia bit her lip as she ran after Lando. If Luke was in danger, she couldn't leave him, she wouldn't.

They came upon the landing platform where the Millennium Falcon was waiting. Leia suddenly grabbed Chewbacca's arm, gaining the Wookiee's attention as Chewbacca barked in question.

"I have to go find Luke." Leia said quickly.

Chewbacca barked and roared again, saying he'd come with her but Leia shook her head quickly. "You have to get out of here Chewie, now."

Chewbacca growled again questioning Leia with a deep frown on his face, Chewbacca had promised Han that he would look after Leia and as far as Chewbacca was concerned, letting Leia run off was not looking after her.

Artoo suddenly beeped helpfully. Leia grinned. "Luke brought his X-wing? See Chewie? I'll be fine, get yourself to the Rebel Fleet."

Chewbacca barked again, still not satisfied but they were running out of time. "Chewie, they'll be chasing you, they won't even known I'm still here. I promise I'll be back soon." Leia said reassuringly.

Chewbacca whined but nodded slowly. Leia rubbed Chewbacca's arm gently before running to a hiding spot as Lando shouted at Chewbacca.

"Where's Leia?" Lando asked as Chewbacca boarded the Falcon.

Chewbacca shrugged and roared at Lando as they ran to the cockpit. Outside stormtroopers were peppering the freighter with blasterfire as it bounced harmlessly off. Chewbacca activated the engines and the Falcon left the landing platform, flying away as Stormtroopers shouted and ran off, leaving Leia and Artoo to roam freely.


Artoo led Leia down the same corridors Luke had used, and just like before, they were empty of any life as Leia followed the little droid silently.

Artoo led her down the same hall she had seen Luke, how did she know which hall it was among the eerily identical white corridors? The charred blaster marks on the wall told a rather recent story.

Artoo went on to the same door Leia and Chewbacca had been dragged through when Luke came after them. Leia frowned, the door was opened now, and Artoo made small sounds that gave the impression that the droid was spooked. Leia placed a reassuring hand on Artoo's domed head before walking into the room, Artoo right behind her, afraid that if he lagged behind he'd be cut off from Leia like he had been from Luke.

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