Chapter 28. Fix You

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Han held Luke firmly against his chest as the boy cried in misery and desperation, burying his face in Han's clothes as the turbo lift sped down to the hangar.

Leia stood by herself in shock as she processed the last words of Darth Vader, of Anakin Skywalker. Slowly she placed a hand on Luke's shaking back as he continued to cry, tears streaming down his face as Han kept a tight hold on Luke, both relieved to have Luke back with him, and saddened by the trauma Luke was going through.


Lando and Wedge flew down the opening of the Death Star, heading for the core of the massive battle station.

"There is it, get ready to fire!" Wedge called.

They flew to the center, the reactor right before them. Without hesitation Wedge and Lando took their shots before making their retreat.


The reunited trio quickly boarded a shuttle, being ignored by the Imperials around them that were trying to get away.

Han quickly took the pilot seat while Leia allowed Luke to slump into the nearest seat before sitting on the floor next to him. Leia pushed away her own shock, the only thing that mattered was getting out alive to honor Anakin's sacrifice.

Luke held Leia's hands tightly, crying as Leia gently held Luke close, comforting him as a mother would comfort a weeping babe.


Anakin looked towards the large window, sensing Luke and Leia escape as he stood over the broken body of Sidious, his tormentor, the man who'd taken everything from Anakin Skywalker. Well, almost everything.

Anakin smiled as the stars seemed to glow with a new light he had never seen before, it was truly beautiful, just like her.

"It's alright now Padme, they're safe." Anakin whispered in relief, just as a the Death Star blew, but Anakin was not afraid, he had no fear and felt no pain. He had saved his children, and now he could be with his wife, Padme.


Luke cried out when he felt Anakin's death, it was too much for the broken down boy as he fell unconscious, the weight of his father's death crashing down and shattering Luke's world.

Leia felt it too, holding Luke's limp form securely, wanting to be there for him. "We're almost there Luke, just hold on." She said softly, trying to give her strength to Luke.

Han piloted the shuttle to the rebel medical frigate, getting clearance once the rebels knew who was piloting the Imperial shuttle.

Once on board Luke was taken to receive immediate treatment. Leia also had Han checked up, luckily he hadn't been seriously hurt, the worst being bruises and long deep cuts. Luke however, had slipped into a coma.


Leia sat by Luke's side, holding his pale hand in her own. It was truly aweful, to see Luke like this, pale, sickly and unresponsive.

It had been weeks since the destruction of the Death Star. With the deaths of Sidious and Vader the Empire was in turmoil, the Rebellion growing stronger each day.

But, none of that was a comfort as Leia bowed her head. For weeks Luke had been in his coma, from what the medical droids reported, Luke had been abused and tortured so badly on both physical and mental scales that it was lucky for him to be alive at all. But, it was also unlikely he'd ever wake up.

The thought terrified Leia as she used a new Force technique Obi-wan's books had shown her, Force Healing, to try and restore Luke's body and mind. But with every day that passed, Luke never showed any signs of improvement.

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