Chapter 23. Stolen

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Darth Vader had arrived on the Death Star, exchanged harsh, foreboding words with Moff Jerjerrod and then left to see to the preparations for Lord Sidious' arrival.

Vader was especially angry today, having been commanded by Lord Sidious to oversee the Death Star's construction when he would have much preferred staying on the Executioner with X-1. With the prolonged absence Vader had told the medical droid to sedate X-1 until Vader could return, not wishing for X-1 to get nervous or frightened if he were to waken and not see Vader with him.

Over the past few weeks X-1 had started to exhibit some positive signs of recovery, a small bit of color had returned to his skin and his eyes had started to liven up as well. He was still weak, slightly dehydrated and tired, sleeping often.

But, he had started a fever and begun dreaming. Vader wasn't sure if that was good or not. The medical droid had said these dreams were because of X-1's fever and would pass, but Vader was certain there was more to it than that.

The Sith shook his head, trying to concentrate on the task he had to take care of, but as he walked the halls of the Death Star his mind couldn't help but think about Leia, had she considered helping him? Had she ignored his words all together? The latter was something, that the Jedi Knight, would have done. Taking matters into his own hands much like Leia always had and would most likely do in this situation. But Vader prayed she'd change her mind if this indeed was the path she traveled on.


A blizzard swirled and hit his body fiercely with an intense freezing cold sensation against him, he fell, crashing into the snow.

"Luke! Luke!" Called a frightened, desperate voice of a friend he should have known. "Don't do this Luke." The voice cried, trying to remain strong.

"I was really worried." Whispered a soft familiar voice as gentle fingers brushed through his hair.

"You were worried?" Asked a voice, soft and humorous, chuckling cheerfully.


X-1 startled awake, his forehead drenched in sweat as he enhaled sharply. the dream floated away, leaving him disoriented and confused, unable to summon the dream to his mind, he couldn't remember it.

X-1 sighed, relaxing back against his pillow. Strange dreams plagued his sleep even as his fever began to break, but everytime he woke X-1 could not recall the dream, not even the smallest of details. It was as if they came and went like leaves in the wind, or ghosts, dancing in his mind before retreating when he woke up, leaving only the sensation that something, or someone had been there.

The medical droid moved to check on X-1, surprised that the boy had woken when he should have been sedated til Vader got back.

The droid quickly began to re-establish a sedating agent in X-1's system to keep him calm, thankfully the boy hadn't started to panic yet, infact it looked like he just wanted to sleep.

X-1 accepted the dreary feeling and dozed off, returning to his sleeping state easily, dreams playing around his mind like children running and playing outside.


Sidious smirked as he watched the moniter, showing X-1 sleeping in the medical bay. Now it was time, the boy was still weak, but with the Dark Side's strength X-1 would be a sufficient test for Vader and his loyalty.


The shuttle Tydirium left hyperspace, stopping near the moon of Endor. Above the moon a large Star Destroyer, larger than most, which flew near the unfinished Death Star.

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