Chapter 2

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Despite what I had expected with this being my sixth school in all of my 17 years of life, I was genuinely excited for my first day.

Nervous, of course, but excited.

Finn, however, was less than ready.

"Finn! Wake up!"

All I got in reply was an annoyed groan and a loud thump against the door.

After three years of living with Finn and his family, I knew automatically he had attempted to throw a pillow at me through the closed door.

I open the door and pick up the pillow, chucking it at his head.

It hits him right on his face, just where I had hoped to hit him.

"Bullseye." I whisper to myself, giddy of my achievement.

"Rey, I swear to fuc-" He starts to say, glaring at me from under his blankets.

"Nope! It's wake up time!" I walk over to his bed, and snatch his blankets, pulling them all off of his body, exposing him to the cold air from the fan running above his bed.


I smile at him innocently before walking to his closet and throwing random articles of clothing at him.

"Sorry Finn, but it's time to wake up! Our first day of our junior year!" I state happily, turning to look at him.

He groans again, rubbing his face with his hand.

"If you weren't my best friend and legal sister I would kill you right now." He says, getting out of his bed and pushing me out of his room.

"Love you too, bro!"


I walk downstairs to grab some breakfast before leaving when I notice that John, Finn's biological and my adopted father, has already brought in the mail from outside.

"Morning John!" I say, smiling at him.

"Mornin' Rey. What's got you so chipper today?" He replies, chuckling at my obvious happiness.

"New city, new school, new me!" I exclaim, grabbing some eggs and a few pieces of bacon before sitting across from him at the table.

"Rey, I think this is for you." He says, sliding a thick envelope across the wood surface to where I sit.

I grab it eagerly, skimming the back to see where it came from.

'Senator Leia Organa-Solo'

I stop eating.

I quickly tear open the envelope, pulling out the papers inside.

Paige, Finn's mother, sits down next to John and looks at me curiously.

"Oh my god! It's about my internship application!"

"Read it to us!" Paige replies, sounding as excited as I am.

"'Dear Rey Storm,

Thank you for your application for the paid internship,' blah blah blah... Yes! Here's where it gets good! 'Gov. Leia Organa-Solo would like to formally welcome you to your new position!' Oh my god! I got the internship!"

Paige runs over to me, hugging me happily.

"I knew you would get it, honey! No one could ever say no to our little Rey!" Paige exclaims.

I blush, hugging her back as tightly as possible.

John comes over, giving us both a hug. "I'm so proud of you Rey."

I hug him back fiercely, silently thanking whatever invisible force put them in my life.

"Where's my hugs?"

We all turn to see Finn standing in the archway into the kitchen, smiling at us.

I quickly run over to him, hugging him and telling him about the internship.

"Told you that you'd get it." He replies cockily, hugging me back.

I elbow him and roll my eyes before quickly checking my phone for the time.

"Finn! We have to go!"

I run over to where Paige had put Finn and my backpacks last night and grab mine while putting my school ID around my neck.

Finn follows me sluggishly, which gives me the time to grab my car keys from the kitchen counter.

I glare at Finn, who has only just grabbed his backpack and hasn't yet gotten his ID. "Finn, the slower you are, the faster I drive to school."

He quickly turns to me with a horrified look on his face before grabbing all of his stuff and following me out the door, waving back to John and Paige, who were standing in the doorway.

I unlock the car and sit in the drivers seat, buckling the seatbelt and waiting for Finn to sit down inside.

Despite the fact that Finn was a few months older than I was, I was the only one with a license since he had failed the driving test more times than I could count.

I back out of the driveway and speed out of the neighborhood, hoping to get to school early. Once we get onto the main road, I push the car to go faster. Finn stares at me with a terrified look in his eyes, and I laugh in response. "We're putting this car into fucking hyperdrive!" I laugh giddily, a maniacal smile on my face.


We do, luckily, arrive to school early due to my expert driving. Finn drags me to where his many friends are, introducing me to everyone.

"Hey guys, this is my sister and best friend Rey, she's awesome and annoying and great." He says, gesturing at me.

I give a slight wave and start talking to the few friends of his that I already know.

I stay mainly next to Finn, who's talking to his friend Poe Dameron, someone he has apparently known since they were kids. Poe and I get along pretty well, as I already knew him from hanging out with him and Finn and few times before school.

Slowly, more people began trickling into the school. Poe points out almost everyone to Finn and I, but I am not surprised in the slightest when Finn seems to recognize a lot of people already.

While he's telling us about everyone, someone new walks in. Poe turns to see who it is, but quickly stops and turns back around. I turn to look, and see a tall boy in all black, but can't make much out about his face.

"Hey, Poe." I say, nudging him. He turns to look at me. "Who's that?" I nod towards the figure.

"That's Ben Solo. My advice: stay away from him."

Wow. Vague much? "Why?"

Poe looks at me again. "If you wanna know, you'll have to find out from him."

'Ben Solo' walks closer.

He's handsome, sure, but there is just something I still can't make out.

When I do see it, I can't help but gasp in surprise.

It takes all I have to look away from the scar running from his right eyebrow to below his collar.

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