Works Cited

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The Animal Rights Debate (Animal Rights 2010)

Research Animals (Animal Rights 2011)

Animal Experimentation: An Overview (The Rights of Animals 2004; Harold D. Gunther, Andrew Rowan)

Animal Research (Bioethics for Students, 1999; Steven G.)

Public Opinion on the morality of medical testing on animals, May 2006 (The Gallup Organization)

Public Opinion on the morality of medical testing on animals, 2001-08 (The Gallup Organization)

Public Opinion on animal rights, May 2003 (The Gallup Organization)

Animals used in research, by species, fiscal year 2007 (U.S. Department of Agriculture)

Opposition to Animal Studies Threatens Research in Psychology (Scientific Research 2015; Allyson J. Bennett)

Animal Research Is Unethical and Scientifically Unnecessary (Animal Experimentation, 2013)

The Animal Welfare Act Does Not Protect Animals from Abuse in Research (Animal Experimentation 2013)

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