Additional Research

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• The Animal Rights Debate (Joseph Lubinski)

• Do Animals Have Rights?: The Debate (Roger Scruton, Andrew Tyler; 2005)

• Animal Welfare Is Different Than Animal Rights (Animal Experimentation 2013)

• Animal Rights Movement (Social Issues, 1998)

• Introduction to Animal Rights: Current Controversies (Animal Rights 2015)

• Introduction to The Rights of Animals: Current Controversies (The Rights of Animals 2004)

• Introduction to Animal Experimentation: At Issue (Animal Experimentation 2013)

• DOC: Animal Rights (Current Issues, Annual 2003)

• Animal Rights (Environmental Encyclopedia 2011)

• Whether a Right or Not, Animals Should Be Treated Morally (The Rights of Animals, 2009)

• Preface to "Is Factory Farming an Ethical Way to Treat Animals?" (Factory Farming 2013)

• People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Environmental Encyclopedia, 2011)

• Introduction to Hunting: Opposing Viewpoints (Hunting, 2008)

• Introduction to The Fashion Industry: Opposing Viewpoints (The Fashion Industry, 2010)

• Animals Suffer Needlessly for Food Production (Vegetarianism, 2015)

• Factory Farming Ignores the Suffering of Animals (The Rights of Animals, 2009)

• This and That: The Investigator (Kelsey Braithwaite)

• Animals 2.0: a veterinarian and a theologian survey a brave new world of biotechnology

• Animals and Medical Science: A Vision of a New Era (David O. Wiebers 1994)

• Lab Test (Gill, Martha)

• Canada Introduces Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act (Business Economics and Theory Collection)

• Extremist Animal Rights Activists Are Terrorists (Extremism, 2011)

• Extremist Animal Rights Activists Are Not Terrorists (Extremism, 2011)

• Medical Progress Depends on Animal Research (Animal Experimentation 2013)

• Rats and Mice are Important for Cancer Research (Animal Experimentation 2013)

• Mice Can Teach Us About Human Disease (Sharon Oosthoek)

• Rats Display Empathy, So Why Don't Animal Experimenters? (Alka Chandna)

• Use of Chimpanzees in Scientific Research Should Be Banned (Animal Experimentation, 2013)

• Replacements Must Be Found for Animals in Scientific Research (Scientific Research 2015; Hope Ferdowsian)

• Not All Scientific Research on Animals Is Ethically Justified (Scientific Research 2015; Lori Gruen)

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