Chapter 2

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When i reached my room, I gazed upon my walls that were plastered with ratty band posters. I had collected them over the years from Molli, much to my parents protest. I also had old family photo's on my wall of me, Mother and Dad, and Stephanie.

My parents and I used to get on throughout my early childhood years, but when my sister Stephanie left home to peruse her music career dreams in her band, my parents became un-involded; with me and even themselves.

Its sad really, but it made me feel like such a dissapointment comapred to Steph..She was perfect for my parents. 
When Steph left, i got lonley and thats when my parents stoppd caring about anything. Thats when my style changed..I was a scene kid before all this, and decided to get darker when my life got worse. I wasnt attention seeking, i was representing my feelings the only way i knew how. I wear mostly black now-a-days, and i have always prefered Rock music but now its a mix between Rock and Metal..The reason? It reminds me of Stephanie's band.

I was snapped out my heart warming memories by my parents barging into my room. They both looked extremely angry and walked towards my walls..They began rippings down all my posters, leaving not one of them untouched, and taring them into shreds. I started crying softly to myself, curled up at the corner of my bed, attempting to stay out of their point of reach. Ounce every single one of my posters where demolished they walked over to my shakng frame with menacing faces.

"YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANY POSTERS OF THESE WRETCHED BANDS ANYMORE!!!" My Dad screamed in my face making the tears flow freely from my eyes and burn my cheeks.

"STOP CRYING!!!" Mother screamed. I clamped my mouth shut, attempting and yet failing slightly, to siffle my loud sobs.

They stormed out of my room after they had screamed at me some more and even said,


That hurt...That hurt more than i will ever be able to discribe. Ever.

But i guess they were right. If Steph didnt leave, and i did, they would be happy..

I kneeled down besde the remainders of my posters crumpled all over the floor and held them close to my chest in shaky fists.

"I hate yous," I whispered ounce they had left, "I truly do.."

I crawled over to my school bag and emptied the contents onto my floor beside me, and started packing essential living equpment, like all the clothes i could fit, my money, my toothbrush and some tooth paste and mouthwash, fake ID, and my family pictures.

When i was done, i left a note saying "I hate you." on my bed and chucked my bag out the window. Luckily, i had a good aim, and it landed onto the shrubbery bushes below my window, without making a sound. I climbed out backwards, clinging to the criss-cross flower holder that trailed up the wall and convinetley acted like a lader for the purpose of my usual night get aways. But little did they know, that tonghts get away, would be the last one i'd make...For now...

I clambered down silently until my feet hit the floor, grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder and walked away from my prison, to Molli's house.

Turning up at sombodies house at 11pm was now a regular occurance now so when i chapped the door, Molli's mum, Shara, automatically invited me in and settled me on the couch whilst she went to inform Molli that i had dropped by for one of my nighty visits.


"What did they do this time?" Mollie asked me sofly.

"They stormed into my room and ripped everyone of my posters down and into tiny shreds," I explained.

Molli and Shara knew about my situation at home and school but they both swore never to tell anybody, especially not the authorities, because then i would be taken away and put in a foster care home, and i couldnt deal with that.

We chatted most of the night and we were both told by Shara we could have the next few days off until i had 'fully recovered' but running away from home was something i would never be able to recover from, no matter how hard i tried. Of course i was still effectd by the way my parents treated me over the years, but it was something i had to deal with and learned to live with..It wasnt fair, but it was life. My shitty life.

I was fed up. I had made up my mind..


The next day, i woke up really eary, grabbed my bag and decded that today was going to be the day..The day i had planned since i was 12...

I wrote a small note to Molli and Shara and stuck it to the couch were i had been sleeping earlier that day, and it read,

"Dear Molli & Sharra,
                                     I wan't to thank you's both so much for everything you have done for me throughout the years, i truly appreciate it. But now i have to move on and get away from this life and star a fresh one, so this may be, or, will be, the last time you ever hear from me...I wish you's the best of luck, Molli, i hope you get the panda bear you've been wanting all these years, and Shara, i hope Mike comes home from the Army safe and sound. Good luck,

                               Love Storm<3"

I taped it onto the couch and headed silently left the house that had claimed me as my own and kept me safe over the years..

The morning air was bitterly cold, nibbling on my face and any exposed skin, sending shivers down my body in responce to the unforgiving British weather.

I tugged my sleeve further down over my hand to make a feeble attempt for gloves. I walked to the public park again and sat on the cold woodden bench that was tucked away from early morning life.

To reach this little bench, you had to seperate the hanging branches and leaves of a large weeping willow tree that acted like a leafy curtain, secluding the bench form all the park. Only i knew were this bench was, purley because it was dedicated to my best friend, Rose, who went missing afew years ago. She did was i was going to do within the next few hours of that day. I'll go into more detail about Rose later..

Streams of light, squirmed through the branches making the small river glitter on the passing fishes scales, and rippling currents.

Perching myself on the edge of Rose's dedicated bench, i curled my knees to my chest, rested my head on my knees and wrapped my arms tightly around my legs.
It was now or never..

I was finally able to escape my so-called 'life'..I was soon to be free...

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