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"Okay, let me get this right..." I smirked. We were sitting at a picnic table, after school hours. He smiled, awaiting me to finish my sentence. "You're a demiboy who prefers they pronouns but you're also very feminine, you love pastel colors, and you don't talk because you're shy..?" He nodded in response then wrote down on a napkin "Very good, but instead of smoking so many cigarettes you should take that time to work on your English ;)"
I smiled at his handwriting "Coming from the quietest person I've ever met." he shoved my shoulder as I snickered.

He began to write down something very small then crossed it out to the point I couldn't read. "No, what did that say?" I question him. He shook his head whilst looking down.

Why did I write that I'm so fucking stupid. I just met him and I just tried to confess my stupid feelings for him. Maybe the butterflies are fear instead of love. I'll just hide it...

He asked me what it said again but this time he grabbed my face, squishing my cheeks. I blushed a bright pink as he pulled my face close enough to his to the point where I could feel his breath faintly on my scrunched up lips.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to face away but his grip only tightened. I could feel his gaze, sharp as an eagle, it was like he was staring right into my soul. He pecked my cheek making me blush darker. He let go of my face "I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that.." he said with his voice deeper than ever. "Something came over me.."

I wanted to speak but I couldn't. I can't let him hear my disgusting voice. I wrote on the napkin 'It's fine, really.' I tapped my pen on the table 'I kind of enjoyed it actually.' I instantly crossed that part out but not good enough. I wanted him to see in a way. I slid the paper across the table in front of him. He picked it up. I knew in that moment that he was able to read it. I looked down embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I've really got to get going... my Moms gonna be wondering where I am.." He said as he stood up and slug his backpack over his shoulder. I decided not to reply, as I knew why he was leaving. He just didn't want to deal with me and my lovie dovie bull shit. I glanced up as he walked off.

The Freak in the Pastel Skirt // SeptiplierWhere stories live. Discover now