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real life

Rosie had done everything in her power to make sure she didn't cancel on Lucas. Her nerves were through the room, but yet she stood in front of his hotel room, her hand held up as she hesitantly knocked on the door.

It took a few seconds before it was swung open and there stood the boy in question, grinning, a toothbrush in his mouth. "I'm running a little late, but come in." He said, the words muffled. Rosie couldn't help but smile at how adorable he was. "I was thinking the beach." She told him, moving to sit down on one of the beds within the room as he went back to the bathroom. "I'm down." He replied, much more clearer. Rosie nodded, bouncing slightly on the bed. "Great. . . I can't drive yet, though." She told him with a small laugh and he joined. "I'll drive, no worries."

+ + +

Rosie shoved Lucas over after realizing she had been talking and he hadn't been paying attention. The boy fell into the sand and Rosie laughed at the sight. His black curls now had specked of beige as she sat back up, shaking his head. "What was that for!?" He exclaimed, her eyebrows raised. "You weren't paying attention!" The dark haired girl informed, crossing her arms. She had chose to sit on the blanket they brought, keeping her out of the sand, where Lucas chose to sit on the outside of the blanket, making shapes in the sand. "I was! Just. . . not that time." He mumbled looking down, Rosie grinned and took the moment to snap a picture. "I hope I looked good in that." Lucas said upon hearing the noise of her phone camera. Rosie shrugged, "Do you ever look bad?" Her cheeks blushed once she realized she had admitted she thought he looked good, and this time not over text.



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kingrosie i promise, he's happy to be here.
tagged; lucasjzumann

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amybethmcnutly why wasn't i informed of this??
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ↳ kingrosie I THOUGHT U TEXTED YOU!!???

user2 LOSIE

user2 LOSIE

user2 LOSIE

lucasjzumann i'd be happier if would actually look at me rather than your phone

user3 BABIES

lucasjzumann also, this was a very nice date, thank you
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ↳ kingrosie 😊😊😊


user4 ohhhhhhh my goood

user5 wasn't she like just with david though??

user6 wow

user6 kind of hoeish

user6 dont you think
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ↳user7 you can exit no one asked for your opinion



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lucasjzumann "hey mister! can we borrow your boar for a photo?" rosie king everyone
tagged; kingrosie

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kingrosie why you gotta expose me like that

kingrosie coulda posted something cute

kingrosie but nah

kingrosie why do you hate me
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ↳ lucasjzumann if i hated you i wouldn't have gone on a date with you

user1 oh my god

user1 rosie is me

user2 can we just appreciate how gorgeous this child is
lucasjzumann liked this comment!

user3 the fact that they got this photo means the dude said yes


user5 i bet the ANNE CLAN group chat is blowing up rn

user6 i bet they went on a date without telling the anne clan
kingrosie liked this comment!

user6 ROSIE!

user6 WHAT!?

_____ _________ __

i posted a
gilbert blythe fanfic.
i havent done a fanfic
that wasn't social media
based in a while
and wanted to. so go check it
out if you wanna,
it's called Rosy Cheeks!

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