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"Lucas won't make tiktoks with me and now I'm going to have to find a new boyfriend." Rosie didn't even hesitate to start her live out like that. She had plans to rant to her fans, completely forgetting that the two had failed to fully confirm that they were, in fact, a couple. "Oh shit. Wait." She laughed at herself, her eyes flickering as she read the flooding comment section.

Lucas off camera laughed at her as well, quickly placing his own phone on do not disturb before his comments and direct messages could be filled. "Alright, well, surprise! Lucas and I are officially dating." She grinned, turning to Lucas who join her in front of the camera on the couch in her trailer.

He had come to visit her on set of ASOUE and she had grown bored. The male was refusing to even let her open the tiktok app, where as Rosie wanted to make some with him. She went to live to complain.

Lucas wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to him, but still staying in frame. Rosie laughed, sure that her tagged photos would be nothing but screenshots of them. She honestly couldn't wait. The two of them didn't have enough candids.

The two spent an hour on the live, answering random questions and doing random things. Rosie finally convinced him to let her use his phone to make a tik tok. The two were finally calm. Rosie laying on Lucas's lap, trying to read the comments from afar, but the way she had the phone set up left her to guess what they were saying. She turned slightly to look up at Lucas, who was already looking down at her. He had a small, content smile on his face and she couldn't help but grin back.

"You're so cute." Lucas poked her nose causing her to scrunch it up. "You've said this before." She teased him, turning once again in his lap to reach over and grab her phone bidding farewell to the fans before ending the livestream, turning her phone on do not disturb as well.


this is a little filler chapter, but i haven't updated in so long and i have no idea where this story is going. so i think chapter 30 will be the last chapter.

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