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"Season two! It's a thing. It's been out on netflix in america for a while, so some of you have already seen it, episode one and two came out and if you're wondering, Carrie Jean will be introduced in episode 6." Rosie was proud of her character, she had fallen in love with Carrie Jean who had become a different side to her. 

"I really hope you guys love her, she's become and important part to me." Rosie read the comments, her face leaned in a little towards her phone, blocking out most of the background, until she read a comment pointing out the arm of a male and she grinned. "Lucas exposed."  She read the comment out loud, laughing. 

She sat back and turned her phone a little to the boy sitting next to her distracted by his phone, probabally a game. "Lucas" She lightly tapped his knee and he looked up, smiling at her before looking at the phone, a light blush crossing his cheeks because he had been caught.

Lucas leaned forward a little and took the chance to wrap his arms around her and pull her back into him. Rosie let out a squeal that was merged with a laugh and kept a hold of her phone. "Okay, as I was saying, Carrie Jean." Lucas smiled, rolling his eyes and he took her phone. "You guys are gonna love  Carrie Jean as much as she loves Diana." Rosie went to smack Lucas for the small spoiler alert but realized half of the viewers already knew. "Alright, now I'm taking Rosie, bye." Rosie's eyes widened. "No! Wait," but Lucas had ended the live and threw her phone to the other side of the bed.

 He still had her trapped in his arm but now was peppering her face with kisses as she giggled and squirmed. "Lucas. I was talking to them." She whined, still laughing. He shrugged, "And now you're talking to me." She rolled her eyes and huffed. "You're lucky you're so cute."

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